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Rework endpoints and support X-Api-Key header auth
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- Added `/transfers/account` endpoint for transfers related to/from a
given account.
- Removed path parameter from `/transfers/{trx_id}`, now uses query
parameter. Path changed to `/transfers/id`.
- Removed `from/to` query parameters from `/transfers` and requires
`contract/symcode` instead.
- Added `/balance/historical` for block ranges queries.
- Added `X-Api-Key` header authentication support for Swagger/GraphQL.
- Fixed some endpoint return format
- Only support a single chain, `/chains` changed to `/head`.
- Updated GraphQL resolvers to support authentication parameters.
- Removed unused `TABLE` env variable.
  • Loading branch information
0237h committed Aug 28, 2024
1 parent 41ad594 commit fbd200b
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Showing 13 changed files with 1,506 additions and 812 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions .env.example
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Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ HOST=

# Logging
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/bun-test.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,4 +29,3 @@ jobs:
HOST: ${{ vars.HOST }}
USERNAME: ${{ secrets.USERNAME }}
PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.PASSWORD }}
TABLE: ${{ secrets.TABLE }}
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -7,20 +7,22 @@
<a href=""><img src=";base64,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&logoSize=auto" height="30" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" height="30" /></a>

## Swagger API

### Usage

| Method | Path | Query parameters<br>(* = **Required**) | Description |
| :---: | --- | --- | --- |
| GET <br>`text/html` | `/` | - | [Swagger]( API playground |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/chains` | `limit`<br>`page` | Information about the chains and latest head block in the database |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/{chain}/balance` | `block_num`<br>`contract`<br>`symcode`<br>**`account*`**<br>`limit`<br>`page` | Balances of an account. |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/{chain}/holders` | **`contract*`**<br>**`symcode*`**<br>`limit`<br>`page` | List of holders of a token |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/{chain}/supply` | `block_num`<br>`issuer`<br>**`contract*`**<br>**`symcode*`**<br>`limit`<br>`page` | Total supply for a token |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/{chain}/tokens` | `limit`<br>`page` | List of available tokens |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/{chain}/transfers` | `block_range`<br>`from`<br>`to`<br>`contract`<br>`symcode`<br>`limit`<br>`page` | All transfers related to a token |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/{chain}/transfers/{trx_id}` | `limit`<br>`page` | Specific transfer related to a token |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/balance` | **`account*`**<br>`contract`<br>`symcode`<br>`limit`<br>`page` | Balances of an account |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/balance/historical` | **`account*`**<br>`block_num`<br>`contract`<br>`symcode`<br>`limit`<br>`page` | Historical token balances |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/head` | `limit`<br>`page` | Head block information |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/holders` | **`contract*`**<br>**`symcode*`**<br>`limit`<br>`page` | List of holders of a token |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/supply` | `block_num`<br>`issuer`<br>**`contract*`**<br>**`symcode*`**<br>`limit`<br>`page` | Total supply for a token |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/tokens` | `limit`<br>`page` | List of available tokens |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/transfers` | `block_range`<br>**`contract*`**<br>**`symcode*`**<br>`limit`<br>`page` | All transfers related to a token |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/transfers/account` | **`account*`**<br>`block_range`<br>`from`<br>`to`<br>`contract`<br>`symcode`<br>`limit`<br>`page` | All transfers related to an account |
| GET <br>`application/json` | `/transfers/id` | **`trx_id*`**<br>`limit`<br>`page` | Specific transfer related to a token |

### Docs

Expand All @@ -43,9 +45,8 @@ Go to `/graphql` for a GraphIQL interface.
### Additional notes

- For the `block_range` parameter in `transfers`, you can pass a single integer value (low bound) or an array of two values (inclusive range).
- If you input the same account in the `from` and `to` field for transfers, you'll get all inbound and outbound transfers for that account.
- The more parameters you add (i.e. the more precise your query is), the faster it should be for the back-end to fetch it.
- Don't forget to request for the `meta` fields in the response to get access to pagination and statistics !
- Use the `from` and `to` field for transfers of an account to further filter the results (i.e. incoming or outgoing transactions from/to another account).
- Don't forget to request the `meta` fields in the response to get access to pagination and statistics !

## Requirements

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,7 +159,6 @@ HOST=
# Logging
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61 changes: 43 additions & 18 deletions index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { Hono, type Context } from "hono";
import { type RootResolver, graphqlServer } from '@hono/graphql-server';
import { type RootResolver, graphqlServer, getGraphQLParams } from '@hono/graphql-server';
import { buildSchema } from 'graphql';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { SafeParseSuccess, z } from 'zod';

import client from './src/clickhouse/client.js';
import openapi from "./static/@typespec/openapi3/openapi.json";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ async function AntelopeTokenAPI() {

async (ctx: Context) => new Response(await prometheus.registry.metrics())
async () => new Response(await prometheus.registry.metrics())

// --------------------------
Expand All @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ async function AntelopeTokenAPI() {
{ as ValidPathParams<typeof endpoint>, as SafeParseSuccess<ValidPathParams<typeof endpoint>>,
} as ValidUserParams<typeof endpoint>
Expand All @@ -112,34 +112,59 @@ async function AntelopeTokenAPI() {
// --- GraphQL endpoint ---
// ------------------------

// TODO: Make GraphQL endpoint use the same $SERVER parameter as Swagger if set ?
const schema = buildSchema(await Bun.file("./static/@openapi-to-graphql/graphql/schema.graphql").text());
const rootResolver: RootResolver = async (ctx?: Context) => {
if (ctx) {
// Convert space delimited words to camel case: `Camel case` => `camelCase`
// GraphQL uses camelCase for its operations id.
// From
const camelize = (str: string) => {
return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w|\s+)/g, function (match, index) {
if (+match === 0) return "";
return index === 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase();

// GraphQL resolver uses the same SQL queries backend as the REST API (`makeUsageQuery`)
const createGraphQLUsageResolver = (endpoint: UsageEndpoints) =>
async (args: ValidUserParams<typeof endpoint>) => await (await makeUsageQuery(ctx, endpoint, { ...args })).json();
async (args: ValidUserParams<typeof endpoint>) => {
return await (await makeUsageQuery(ctx, endpoint, { ...args })).json();

return Object.keys(usageOperationsToEndpointsMap).reduce(
// SQL queries endpoints
// SQL queries endpoints
const usageResolvers = Object.keys(usageOperationsToEndpointsMap).reduce(
(resolver, op) => Object.assign(
[op]: createGraphQLUsageResolver(usageOperationsToEndpointsMap[op] as UsageEndpoints)
[camelize(op.replace('_', ' '))]: createGraphQLUsageResolver(usageOperationsToEndpointsMap[op] as UsageEndpoints)
// Other endpoints
health: async () => {
const response = await;
return response.success ? "OK" : `[500] bad_database_response: ${response.error.message}`;
openapi: () => openapi,
metrics: async () => await prometheus.registry.metrics(),
version: () => APP_VERSION

return {
// Endpoints that need authentication
viewerAnyAuth: { ...usageResolvers },
viewerApiKey: { ...usageResolvers },
// `/head` endpoint doesn't need authentication so needs a top level Resolver
head: usageResolvers['head' as keyof typeof usageResolvers],
// Other endpoints
health: async () => {
const response = await;
return response.success ? "OK" : `[500] bad_database_response: ${response.error.message}`;
openapi: () => openapi,
metrics: async () => await prometheus.registry.metrics(),
version: () => APP_VERSION

// TODO: Find way to log GraphQL queries (need to workaround middleware consuming Request)
// See:
//app.use('/graphql', async (ctx: Context) => logger.trace(await ctx.req.json()))

Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/types/api.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ export type UsageResponse<E extends UsageEndpoints> = EndpointReturnTypes<E>["da
export type UsageParameters<E extends UsageEndpoints> = EndpointParameters<E>;

export type ValidPathParams<E extends UsageEndpoints> = EndpointParameters<E>["path"];
export type ValidUserParams<E extends UsageEndpoints> = EndpointParameters<E> extends { path: undefined; } ?
export type ValidUserParams<E extends UsageEndpoints> = NonNullable<EndpointParameters<E> extends { path: undefined; } ?
// Combine path and query parameters only if path exists to prevent "never" on intersection
z.infer<EndpointParameters<E>["query"] & ValidPathParams<E>>;
z.infer<EndpointParameters<E>["query"] & ValidPathParams<E>>>;
export type AdditionalQueryParams = { offset?: number; min_block?: number; max_block?: number; };
// Allow any valid parameters from the endpoint to be used as SQL query parameters
export type ValidQueryParams = ValidUserParams<UsageEndpoints> & AdditionalQueryParams;
Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ export const usageOperationsToEndpointsMap = Object.entries(operations).filter((
(o, [k, v]) => Object.assign(
[k.split('_')[1] as string]: Object.entries(paths).find(([k_, v_]) => v_.get === v)?.[0]
// Split once on first underscore to create keys (e.g. `Usage_transfers_account` => `transfers_account`)
[k.split('_').slice(1).join('_') as string]: Object.entries(paths).find(([_, v_]) => v_.get === v)?.[0]
), {}
) as { [key in string]: UsageEndpoints };

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