diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6fdee66..bfcffff 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
 ## Requirements
-- [ClickHouse](clickhouse.com/)
-- (Optional) A [Substream sink](https://substreams.streamingfast.io/reference-and-specs/glossary#sink) for loading data into ClickHouse. We recommend [Substreams Sink ClickHouse](https://github.com/pinax-network/substreams-sink-clickhouse/) or [Substreams Sink SQL](https://github.com/streamingfast/substreams-sink-sql). You should use the generated [`protobuf` files](tsp-output/@typespec/protobuf) to build your substream.
+- [ClickHouse](clickhouse.com/), databases should follow a `{chain}_tokens_{version}` naming scheme. Tables can be created using the [`schema.sql`](./schema.sql) definitions.
+- A [Substream sink](https://substreams.streamingfast.io/reference-and-specs/glossary#sink) for loading data into ClickHouse. We recommend [Substreams Sink ClickHouse](https://github.com/pinax-network/substreams-sink-clickhouse/) or [Substreams Sink SQL](https://github.com/streamingfast/substreams-sink-sql). You should use the generated [`protobuf` files](tsp-output/@typespec/protobuf) to build your substream. This Token API makes use of the [`substreams-antelope-tokens`](https://github.com/pinax-network/substreams-antelope-tokens/) substream.
 ## Quick start
diff --git a/schema.sql b/schema.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eebdbcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/schema.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+-- This SQL file creates the required tables for a single Antelope chain
+-- Meta tables to store Substreams information --
+    id        String,
+    cursor    String,
+    block_num Int64,
+    block_id  String
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (id)
+        ORDER BY (id);
+-- Tables to store the raw events without any processing --
+-- The table to store all transfers. This uses the trx_id as first primary key so we can use this table to do
+-- transfer lookups based on a transaction id.
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transfer_events ON CLUSTER antelope
+    trx_id       String,
+    action_index UInt32,
+    -- contract & scope --
+    contract     String,
+    symcode      String,
+    -- data payload --
+    from         String,
+    to           String,
+    quantity     String,
+    memo         String,
+    -- extras --
+    precision    UInt32,
+    amount       Int64,
+    value        Float64,
+    -- meta --
+    block_num    UInt64,
+    timestamp    DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (trx_id, action_index)
+        ORDER BY (trx_id, action_index);
+-- The table to store all account balance changes from the database operations. This uses the account and block_num as
+-- first primary keys so we can use this table to lookup the account balance from a certain block number.
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS balance_change_events ON CLUSTER antelope
+    trx_id        String,
+    action_index  UInt32,
+    -- contract & scope --
+    contract      String,
+    symcode       String,
+    -- data payload --
+    account       String,
+    balance       String,
+    balance_delta Int64,
+    -- extras --
+    precision     UInt32,
+    amount        Int64,
+    value         Float64,
+    -- meta --
+    block_num     UInt64,
+    timestamp     DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (account, block_num, trx_id, action_index)
+        ORDER BY (account, block_num, trx_id, action_index);
+-- The table to store all token supply changes from the database operations. This uses the account and block_num as
+-- first primary keys so we can use this table to lookup token supplies from a certain block number.
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS supply_change_events ON CLUSTER antelope
+    trx_id       String,
+    action_index UInt32,
+    -- contract & scope --
+    contract     String,
+    symcode      String,
+    -- data payload --
+    issuer       String,
+    max_supply   String,
+    supply       String,
+    supply_delta Int64,
+    -- extras --
+    precision    UInt32,
+    amount       Int64,
+    value        Float64,
+    -- meta --
+    block_num    UInt64,
+    timestamp    DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (contract, block_num, trx_id, action_index)
+        ORDER BY (contract, block_num, trx_id, action_index);
+-- Table to contain all 'eosio.token:issue' transactions
+    trx_id       String,
+    action_index UInt32,
+    -- contract & scope --
+    contract     String,
+    symcode      String,
+    -- data payload --
+    issuer       String,
+    to           String,
+    quantity     String,
+    memo         String,
+    -- extras --
+    precision    UInt32,
+    amount       Int64,
+    value        Float64,
+    -- meta --
+    block_num    UInt64,
+    timestamp    DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (contract, symcode, to, amount, trx_id, action_index)
+        ORDER BY (contract, symcode, to, amount, trx_id, action_index);
+-- Table to contain all 'eosio.token:retire' transactions --
+    trx_id       String,
+    action_index UInt32,
+    -- contract & scope --
+    contract     String,
+    symcode      String,
+    -- data payload --
+    from         String,
+    quantity     String,
+    memo         String,
+    -- extras --
+    precision    UInt32,
+    amount       Int64,
+    value        Float64,
+    -- meta --
+    block_num    UInt64,
+    timestamp    DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (contract, symcode, amount, trx_id, action_index)
+        ORDER BY (contract, symcode, amount, trx_id, action_index);
+-- Table to contain all 'eosio.token:create' transactions
+    trx_id         String,
+    action_index   UInt32,
+    -- contract & scope --
+    contract       String,
+    symcode        String,
+    -- data payload --
+    issuer         String,
+    maximum_supply String,
+    -- extras --
+    precision      UInt32,
+    amount         Int64,
+    value          Float64,
+    -- meta --
+    block_num      UInt64,
+    timestamp      DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index)
+        ORDER BY (contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index);
+-- Tables to store the extracted information --
+-- Table to store up to date balances per account and token
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS account_balances ON CLUSTER antelope
+    account              String,
+    contract             String,
+    symcode              String,
+    balance              String,
+    precision            UInt32,
+    amount               Int64,
+    value                Float64,
+    updated_at_block_num UInt64,
+    updated_at_timestamp DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree(updated_at_block_num)
+        PRIMARY KEY (account, contract, symcode)
+        ORDER BY (account, contract, symcode, value);
+CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW account_balances_mv ON CLUSTER antelope
+    TO account_balances
+SELECT account,
+       contract,
+       symcode,
+       balance,
+       precision,
+       amount,
+       value,
+       block_num AS updated_at_block_num,
+       timestamp AS updated_at_timestamp
+FROM balance_change_events;        
+-- Table to store historical balances per account and token
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS historical_account_balances ON CLUSTER antelope
+    account              String,
+    contract             String,
+    symcode              String,
+    balance              String,
+    precision            UInt32,
+    amount               Int64,
+    value                Float64,
+    block_num            UInt64,
+    timestamp            DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (block_num, account, contract, symcode)
+        ORDER BY (block_num, account, contract, symcode, value);
+CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW historical_account_balances_mv ON CLUSTER antelope
+    TO historical_account_balances
+SELECT account,
+       contract,
+       symcode,
+       balance,
+       precision,
+       amount,
+       value,
+       block_num,
+       timestamp
+FROM balance_change_events;
+-- Table to store up to date positive balances per account and token for token holders
+    account              String,
+    contract             String,
+    symcode              String,
+    balance              String,
+    precision            UInt32,
+    amount               Int64,
+    value                Float64,
+    updated_at_block_num UInt64,
+    updated_at_timestamp DateTime,
+    has_positive_balance UInt8
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree(updated_at_block_num, has_positive_balance)
+        PRIMARY KEY (has_positive_balance, contract, symcode)
+        ORDER BY (has_positive_balance, contract, symcode, value);
+CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW token_holders_mv ON CLUSTER antelope
+    TO token_holders
+SELECT account,
+       contract,
+       symcode,
+       balance,
+       precision,
+       amount,
+       value,
+       block_num            AS updated_at_block_num,
+       timestamp            AS updated_at_timestamp,
+       if(amount > 0, 1, 0) AS has_positive_balance
+FROM balance_change_events;
+-- Table to store up to date token supplies
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS token_supplies ON CLUSTER antelope
+    contract             String,
+    symcode              String,
+    issuer               String,
+    max_supply           String,
+    supply               String,
+    precision            UInt32,
+    amount               Int64,
+    value                Float64,
+    updated_at_block_num UInt64,
+    updated_at_timestamp DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree(updated_at_block_num)
+        PRIMARY KEY (contract, symcode, issuer)
+        ORDER BY (contract, symcode, issuer);
+CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW token_supplies_mv ON CLUSTER antelope
+    TO token_supplies
+SELECT contract,
+       symcode,
+       issuer,
+       max_supply,
+       supply,
+       precision,
+       amount,
+       value,
+       block_num AS updated_at_block_num,
+       timestamp AS updated_at_timestamp
+FROM supply_change_events;
+-- Table to store historical token supplies per token
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS historical_token_supplies ON CLUSTER antelope
+    contract             String,
+    symcode              String,
+    issuer               String,
+    max_supply           String,
+    supply               String,
+    precision            UInt32,
+    amount               Int64,
+    value                Float64,
+    block_num            UInt64,
+    timestamp            DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (block_num, contract, symcode, issuer)
+        ORDER BY (block_num, contract, symcode, issuer);
+CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW historical_token_supplies_mv ON CLUSTER antelope
+    TO historical_token_supplies
+SELECT contract,
+       symcode,
+       issuer,
+       max_supply,
+       supply,
+       precision,
+       amount,
+       value,
+       block_num AS updated_at_block_num,
+       timestamp AS updated_at_timestamp
+FROM supply_change_events;
+-- Table to store token transfers primarily indexed by the 'from' field --
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transfers_from ON CLUSTER antelope
+    trx_id       String,
+    action_index UInt32,
+    contract     String,
+    symcode      String,
+    from         String,
+    to           String,
+    quantity     String,
+    memo         String,
+    precision    UInt32,
+    amount       Int64,
+    value        Float64,
+    block_num    UInt64,
+    timestamp    DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (from, to, contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index)
+        ORDER BY (from, to, contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index);
+CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW transfers_from_mv ON CLUSTER antelope
+    TO transfers_from
+SELECT trx_id,
+       action_index,
+       contract,
+       symcode,
+       from,
+       to,
+       quantity,
+       memo,
+       precision,
+       amount,
+       value,
+       block_num,
+       timestamp
+FROM transfer_events;
+-- Table to store historical token transfers 'from' address --
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS historical_transfers_from ON CLUSTER antelope
+    trx_id       String,
+    action_index UInt32,
+    contract     String,
+    symcode      String,
+    from         String,
+    to           String,
+    quantity     String,
+    memo         String,
+    precision    UInt32,
+    amount       Int64,
+    value        Float64,
+    block_num    UInt64,
+    timestamp    DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (block_num, from, to, contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index)
+        ORDER BY (block_num, from, to, contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index);
+CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW historical_transfers_from_mv ON CLUSTER antelope
+    TO historical_transfers_from
+SELECT trx_id,
+       action_index,
+       contract,
+       symcode,
+       from,
+       to,
+       quantity,
+       memo,
+       precision,
+       amount,
+       value,
+       block_num,
+       timestamp
+FROM transfer_events;
+-- Table to store token transfers primarily indexed by the 'to' field --
+    trx_id       String,
+    action_index UInt32,
+    contract     String,
+    symcode      String,
+    from         String,
+    to           String,
+    quantity     String,
+    memo         String,
+    precision    UInt32,
+    amount       Int64,
+    value        Float64,
+    block_num    UInt64,
+    timestamp    DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (to, contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index)
+        ORDER BY (to, contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index);
+    TO transfers_to
+SELECT trx_id,
+       action_index,
+       contract,
+       symcode,
+       from,
+       to,
+       quantity,
+       memo,
+       precision,
+       amount,
+       value,
+       block_num,
+       timestamp
+FROM transfer_events;
+-- Table to store historical token transfers 'to' address --
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS historical_transfers_to ON CLUSTER antelope
+    trx_id       String,
+    action_index UInt32,
+    contract     String,
+    symcode      String,
+    from         String,
+    to           String,
+    quantity     String,
+    memo         String,
+    precision    UInt32,
+    amount       Int64,
+    value        Float64,
+    block_num    UInt64,
+    timestamp    DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (block_num, to, contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index)
+        ORDER BY (block_num, to, contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index);
+CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW historical_transfers_to_mv ON CLUSTER antelope
+    TO historical_transfers_to
+SELECT trx_id,
+       action_index,
+       contract,
+       symcode,
+       from,
+       to,
+       quantity,
+       memo,
+       precision,
+       amount,
+       value,
+       block_num,
+       timestamp
+FROM transfer_events;
+-- Table to store token transfers primarily indexed by the 'block_num' field
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transfers_block_num ON CLUSTER antelope
+    trx_id       String,
+    action_index UInt32,
+    contract     String,
+    symcode      String,
+    from         String,
+    to           String,
+    quantity     String,
+    memo         String,
+    precision    UInt32,
+    amount       Int64,
+    value        Float64,
+    block_num    UInt64,
+    timestamp    DateTime
+    ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
+        PRIMARY KEY (block_num, contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index)
+        ORDER BY (block_num, contract, symcode, trx_id, action_index);
+CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW transfers_block_num_mv ON CLUSTER antelope
+    TO transfers_block_num
+SELECT trx_id,
+       action_index,
+       contract,
+       symcode,
+       from,
+       to,
+       quantity,
+       memo,
+       precision,
+       amount,
+       value,
+       block_num,
+       timestamp
+FROM transfer_events;