History of meetings
Invitation text
Did you ever read an article wishing the authors would make their data and software available? Do you think reproducibility is a problem in your field of research? Are you annoyed by open access fees?
Have you heard about open science, but would like to know more? Did you always want to ask something about open science in an informal setting? Or do you have strong opinions which you would like to share with others at the Faculty of Science and Engineering?
Idea / questions: At which part of your workflow (from idea to publication) do you want to be more open and why? At what point do you make what open?
Richel talked about his workflow and why you should trust him. You can watch his talk at https://youtu.be/esyxjv6cqkY and at https://github.com/richelbilderbeek/oscg_my_workflow you can find (all sources of) his slides.
Malvin talked about his PhD project and how he tried to keep it open. Slides are here: https://malv.in/2019/2019-12-11-OpenPhD-talk.pdf
- Open Access, Publisher Deals, etc.