A command/script builder configured by YAML, based on PhpZone. Its primary purpose is to provide an easy way to define multiple scripts used in daily workflow of every developer.
An example speaks a hundred words so let’s go through one.
The configuration file below is used for a development of this extension:
description: Run all tests
- bin/behat -f progress
- bin/phpunit
- bin/phpspec run -f progress
- bin/phpcs -p --colors --standard=PSR2 src/ features/bootstrap/
- bin/phpcs -p --colors --standard=vendor/jakubzapletal/php_codesniffer-rules/psr2-without-camel-case-method-name.xml spec/ integrations/
Now we can just run following command and all tests would be executed:
$ vendor/bin/phpzone tests
For more details visit PhpZone Shell documentation.