diff --git a/lib/phoenix_live_component.ex b/lib/phoenix_live_component.ex
index 534938bc39..172088ca16 100644
--- a/lib/phoenix_live_component.ex
+++ b/lib/phoenix_live_component.ex
@@ -215,25 +215,6 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveComponent do
classDef callback_req fill:#B7ADFF,color:#000,stroke-width:0,text-decoration:underline
- ## Slots
- LiveComponent can also receive slots, in the same way as a `Phoenix.Component`:
- <.live_component module={MyComponent} id={@data.id} >
Inner content here
- If the LiveComponent defines an `c:update/2`, be sure that the socket it returns
- includes the `:inner_block` assign it received.
- See [the docs](Phoenix.Component.html#module-slots.md) for `Phoenix.Component` for more information.
- ## Live patches and live redirects
- A template rendered inside a component can use `<.link patch={...}>` and
- `<.link navigate={...}>`. Patches are always handled by the parent `LiveView`,
- as components do not provide `handle_params`.
## Managing state
Now that we have learned how to define and use components, as well as
@@ -369,6 +350,82 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveComponent do
will be invoked, triggering the update or update_many callback, which will
load the most up to date data from the database.
+ ### Unifying LiveView and LiveComponent communication
+ In the examples above, we have used `send/2` to communicate with LiveView
+ and `send_update/2` to communicate with components. This introduces a problem:
+ what if you have a component that may be mounted both inside a LiveView
+ or another component? Given each uses a different API for exchanging data,
+ this may seem tricky at first, but an elegant solution is to use anonymous
+ functions as callbacks. Let's see an example.
+ In the sections above, we wrote the following code in our `CardComponent`:
+ ```elixir
+ def handle_event("update_title", %{"title" => title}, socket) do
+ send self(), {:updated_card, %{socket.assigns.card | title: title}}
+ {:noreply, socket}
+ end
+ ```
+ The issue with this code is that, if CardComponent is mounted inside another
+ component, it will still message the LiveView. Not only that, this code may
+ be hard to maintain because the message sent by the component is defined far
+ away from the LiveView that will receive it.
+ Instead let's define a callback that will be invoked by CardComponent:
+ ```elixir
+ def handle_event("update_title", %{"title" => title}, socket) do
+ socket.assigns.on_card_update(%{socket.assigns.card | title: title})
+ {:noreply, socket}
+ end
+ ```
+ And now when initializing the CardComponent from a LiveView, we may write:
+ ```heex
+ <.live_component
+ module={CardComponent}
+ card={card}
+ id={card.id}
+ board_id={@id}
+ on_card_update={fn card -> send(self(), {:updated_card, card}) end} />
+ ```
+ If initializing it inside another component, one may write:
+ ```heex
+ <.live_component
+ module={CardComponent}
+ card={card}
+ id={card.id}
+ board_id={@id}
+ on_card_update={fn card -> send_update(@myself, card: card) end} />
+ ```
+ The major benefit in both cases is that the parent has explicit control
+ over the messages it will receive.
+ ## Slots
+ LiveComponent can also receive slots, in the same way as a `Phoenix.Component`:
+ <.live_component module={MyComponent} id={@data.id} >
+ Inner content here
+ If the LiveComponent defines an `c:update/2`, be sure that the socket it returns
+ includes the `:inner_block` assign it received.
+ See [the docs](Phoenix.Component.html#module-slots.md) for `Phoenix.Component` for more information.
+ ## Live patches and live redirects
+ A template rendered inside a component can use `<.link patch={...}>` and
+ `<.link navigate={...}>`. Patches are always handled by the parent `LiveView`,
+ as components do not provide `handle_params`.
## Cost of live components
The internal infrastructure LiveView uses to keep track of live