- PicProg consists of two parts - STM32F303VC code part (folder picprog4) and Windows10 interface part (folders picprog and WPicProg) .
MCLR, ICSPCLK and ICSPDAT of PIC must be connected to PB2, PB4 and PB5 of STM32F303VC
USB DM uses PA11, USB DP uses PA12.
You can change port mapping by editing
or STM32CubeMX configuration. -
Use no optimization while compiling (option -O0)
You can use STM32CubeMX for generating code - picprog4.ioc containsSTM32CubeMX configuration information. After code generation comment this lines:
- functionmain(void)
, section "Initialize all configured peripherals" :MX_USB_DEVICE_Init();
- functionHAL_TIM_Base_MspInit(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim_base)
:__HAL_LINKDMA(htim_base,hdma[TIM_DMA_ID_UPDATE],hdma_tim3_ch4_up); __HAL_LINKDMA(htim_base,hdma[TIM_DMA_ID_TRIGGER],hdma_tim3_ch1_trig);
- functionDMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler(void)
- functionDMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler(void)
- functionDMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler(void)
PicProg interface uses ".elf" file as a source of code to be programmed.
PicProg interface uses ELFIO library. Please include path to ELFIO files in your compiler -I option.
This interface version runs under Windows 10. picprog.exe - command line version and WPicProg.exe - GUI version.
Command line version:
picprog.exe COMname <full path to .elf file>
COMname - COM1, COM2 ….. COM99 - virtual COM port, connected to STM32F3Discovery.