- Move JS init into file (translate into cs)
- draw ship in middle of screen
- try to rotate ship when resp to keyboard events (need jquery?)
- star field
- update ship dx/dy, x,y when up/down
- move star field
- draw map
- move submodules out, just have the files. (or find on npm)
- rb tree, zorder, impl query -- divide tiles into z-regions to keep overhead down?
- maybe impl quadtree too to perf test
- coll detection
- improve collision resolution (sometimes bounce is just way too much)
- flesh out a spec for the game
- animation sprites, ship first
- use super pixels/clamp rendering to pixels not sub pixels
- other map tiles (space station, asteroid, animated asteroid)
- [s] tile metadata (colliding/no) [don't know where to get it - part of server settings?]
- safe zone stopping
- prize boxes
- - powerups to get
- - full charge, energy depleted, shutdown, bullet upgrade, bomb upgrade, repel, burst, multiprize, shields, superpower, etc
- - bounty
- thrust trails
- bullets (bouncy/non, coll det for walls/players, random damage, multifire,)
- bombs (same, shrapnel)
- mines (same)
- repel/burst (l4 bullets, only after a bounce)
- stealth/xradar
- antiwarp
- afterburner
- attach/spectator mode
- using different ships
- banners
- decoy
- doors (both map and team walls)
- portal/warping
- rockets
- audio
- thor's hammer
- configuration with yaml
- debug config pane to adjust paramaters during gameplay, serialize to yaml (but in same order as old config)
- improve collision resolution part 2: bullets can go through walls
- Use vendorer ruby gem for the js vendor files.
- Figure out require.js
- Use tamper for asset json, package asssets all together?
- Assets.json ... hson?
- assets json for movies within tilesets (tiles.bmp force fields, bullets have like 10 movies inside it)
- pixi.js
- JS rbtree implementations
Different trees for static/dynamic objects Look over GEA for module ideas Movable list, collidable list in movables, they must specify things they can collide with maybe collision agent/target? Ship (movable): [Tile, Bullet, Bomb, Mine]
Tile (collidable)
Bullet (movable, collidable): [Ship, Tile]
so then collision goes: movables.each a movable.near.collidable.each b if collision? a, b resolve a, b
then what about shields? do those bounce bullets?
that's only directly touching, there are also aoe - like repel, which would have a different search/collide parameter (radius?)
should it be up to the movable class to deal with resolution? ghost ship would be like ship but shouldn't be in the collision step (it's "not movable") are there better terms than these?
All game objects (entity?) should have: x, y (center) w, h hw, hh so that we can calculate bounding boxes we can trim two calculations by moving to UL x,y (-hw, -hh, +hw, +hh) -> (+w, +h) but collision is from the center of things
Deformable map but hitting blocks, and keep it that way, reset every night or something
x Use callbacks instead of returning arrays of things Object pooling x bind extent obj to things that need it so we don't need to make new functions to capture the scope
Different layers for selfship/othership
Show tile damage, battle scars
-- x network reconcil. is still janky, probably because we're not doing smoothing, but it could be something else. On this MBA 2014 w/ Ubuntu, FPS is down to 20. need to test on other machines.
x you can go through walls if you're going fast enough. this is something like
max speed (500px/s) / server physics speed (100ms, or 10 times/s)
if our block width is 16 px, then, what is the maximum speed at this physics timing?
30fps =~ 500px/s if the largest colliding block is 16px (to not have it totally go through - but if it's mid-way, then it's more frequent)
(increased server loop fps :/)
need reconnect/disconnect
Received negative timestamp on client - why?
WebRTC looks ready http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/datachannels/
Also capnproto, need to make my own in JS/CS I guess.
-- 2/27/15
Screen size isn't getting detected correctly. Consider updateing pixi again
-- 3/1/15
Ah, figured out the screen size issue. Just had to rearrange where we detect it. Update pixi, that went fine. Fixed the map - just needed to get jparser/jdataview under npm control
Okay: I want things to move pixel by pixel, so I need to get rid of floats entirely. This is part of a larger push toward deterministic physics and rendering. IIRC, the z-tree was preventing this because it has a limit on integer size of 65535 without some futzing.
Map sizes are ..
Ah, we could have multiple
-- 3/5/2015
Ragalie had a good idea for objects that spawn other objects: their id could be #{id of parent}.#{timestamp of event that created it} that way it's deterministic and syncronized across clients
So we need now: an object pool (how?), and an object spawner that will do the id trick.
bullets: spawned when the player presses fire (space) and they have enough energy and it's been enough time since the last time they fired (if they fired) it removes that much energy from their ship's energy it spawns a new bullet object that moves in the vector of the ship + angle of ship will travel until: it hits a ship (and plays a bullet explode effect) somehow decreases that ship's energy by (??) only on the authority (server) side it hits a wall and is not bouncy if bouncy: will bounce off walls 5? times, then turn not bouncy once expired: gets cleaned up by object sweeper every tick
Vector2d should also have a pool
-- 3/9/2015
Maybe should split assets into their own repo since it's huge, then do git submodule or something
-- 3/11/2015
Happy 311 day!
Slight bootstrapping problem - we need to know when to start the game.
Previously we had a "joined" message that gave the first gamestate update, and that percolated through to receive, with the firstSync flag set. That would associate the client and the ship, set the player flag (which will soon become the role) and we tie the viewport's position to the ship's position so they update at the same time.
Anyway, it's like we trade the cost of an assignment with the cost of an if statement.
What I'm thinking now is that we have an event handler latch - that the first time we call receive for the client, it's going to be the sync...
nah. Let's do a "gameState" variable that will move through disconnected, connecting, joining, playing, disconnecting, disconnected. Then if we're joining, do the initial sync... maybe.
-- 3/12/2015
Fix, run, fix, run, fix, run, fix, run
-- 5/30/2016
Switching to RBush, which allocates all over the place :(
We'll see how it goes, may need to do some surgery.