I'm a believer and defender of Open Source.
As part of my yearly goals I usually commit myself to keep launching Open Source projects, as well as contributing to others as much as responsibly possible.
In this doc I'll try to keep track of my steps in these milestones.
[1.17.2021] Tried to install forem locally from Docker container but
Problem with request: Get http://rails:3000: dial tcp connect: connection refused.
[1.20.2021] Start development of heretested.org
[3.15.2022] Created collection of "things I'm working on"
Source code: https://github.com/ornicar/lila
My contributions:
- #3484 Allow zeros for castling in SAN notation
- #3486 Copy check sound from robot set to standard set
Ideas to do next:
- #5976 make zen mode work in puzzles
- #4948 If someone's a streamer, can that the url to their stream channel be included in an API somewhere
- #5904 User games download UI
- #6939 noImplicitAny for ui/analysis, ui/puzzle, ui/round
Source code: https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr
My contributions:
- #4300 btm: add page
Ideas to do next:
Source code: https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw
Not contributing yet, but planning to do soon.
Ideas to do next:
- Set up local development environment
- #2490 The text elements seems to have a background color set, but they shouldn't
- #1007 We should have a different hint when drawing multisegments lines on mobile
- #2481 Show collaboration stats in the stats dialog
- #2109 alt-drag should not modify original element
Source code: hhttps://github.com/pepellou/far2near
Ideas to do next:
- Put more ideas into issues
- #8 Write a good README file
- #7 Fork me on Github button on page
- #6 Autocomplete to select locations
Source code: https://gitlab.com/pepellou/here-tested.org (🔒 private)
Ideas to do next:
- Add typical basic issues (layout design, logo, favicon, show code in pages, ...) with labels
- Write a good README
- Make repo public