- 👰🤵 Get married
- ♟️ Start a chess school
- 🌍 Save enough for a couple of big postcovid trips
- 💻 Launch at least 2 new open source projects
- 🏃 Run a half marathon
- 🧠 365-day streak on Chessable
- 📚 Read 12 non-fiction books
- 🤯 30 min/day of "expanding my boundaries"
- 🇨🇳 Learn a new language
- 🟩 Green card
- 🌍 Trip to Spain
- 💻 Launch at least 2 new open source projects
- 🏃 Healthy workout routine
- 🥬 12 new cooking recipes
- 🧠 2-year streak on Chessable
- 📚 Read 12 books and write reviews of them
- 🤯 30 min/day of "expanding my boundaries"