DreamBook Back-end API was built alongside the DreamBook Front-end application! The back-end is responsible for receiving requests from the front-end, storing data, and packaging up the data and returning it to the front-end for viewing.
Ruby 2.7.4
- Fork this repository
- Clone your fork
- From the command line, install gems and set up your DB:
bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
- Install Figaro with
bundle exec figaro install
to create anapplication.yml
file locally (this to be updated with any needed ENV variables!!!)
get '/api/v1/blogs'
get "/api/v1/blogs/:blog_id"
get "/api/v1/blogs/:blog_id/comments"
patch "/api/v1/blogs/:blog_id"
delete "/api/v1/blogs/:blog_id"
get "/api/v1/movie_recommendations?keyword="
get "/api/v1/book_recommendations?keyword="
post "/api/v1/blogs"
- Tyler Caudill - Turing Student - GitHub Profile - LinkedIn
- Shirley DeCesari - Turing Student - GitHub Profile - LinkedIn
- Nikky Rojas - Turing Student - GitHub Profile - LinkedIn
- Gwendolyn Ruiz - Turing Student - GitHub Profile - LinkedIn
- Bryce Simonds - Turing Student - GitHub Profile - LinkedIn - Turing Alum Profile
- Parker Thomson - Turing Student - GitHub Profile - LinkedIn