diff --git a/src/harpy/reports/AlignStats.Rmd b/src/harpy/reports/AlignStats.Rmd
index 0b71ea21a..22d020ec3 100644
--- a/src/harpy/reports/AlignStats.Rmd
+++ b/src/harpy/reports/AlignStats.Rmd
@@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ Mode <- function(x) {
ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]
windowsize <- Mode(tb$position[-1] - tb$position[1:nrow(tb)-1])
+windowskb <- round(windowsize/1000, 0)
```{r echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE}
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@ valueBox(scales::comma(nrow(outliers)), caption = "regions >Q99", color = "warni
## Distdesc header
### distdesc {.no-title}
Alignment Depth Distribution
-Below are the frequencies of interval coverage across all 50kbp intervals for all contigs.
+Below are the frequencies of interval coverage across all **`r windowskb` kilobase** intervals for all contigs.
For visual clarity, the X-axis of this plot is truncated at the 99% quantile of depth
values, which is **`r q99`** for these data.
@@ -413,18 +414,18 @@ These tables will help you understand the sequence coverage of the sample.
## Tableheaders
### Sumdesc {.no-title}
The table below shows the global and per-contig average depth and standard
-deviation per 50kbp intervals **including** intervals whose depth is flagged
+deviation per `r windowskb`kbp intervals **including** intervals whose depth is flagged
an outlier in the data.
### filtdesc {.no-title}
The table below shows the global and per-contig average depth and standard
-deviation per 50kbp intervals, **excluding** intervals whose depth is flagged
+deviation per `r windowskb`kbp intervals, **excluding** intervals whose depth is flagged
an outlier in the data, as determined by being greater than 3 standard deviations
above the mean depth. This should be a more accurate representation of read coverage.
### outlierdesc {.no-title}
-The table below shows the 50kbp intervals considered outliers, as determined by
+The table below shows the `r windowskb`kbp intervals considered outliers, as determined by
having coverage greater than the 99th percentile (`r q99`).
## Summary information
@@ -474,8 +475,8 @@ DT::datatable(
Depth and Coverage Across the Genome
To the right is a circular plot summarizing the depth information across up to 30 of the largest contigs.
For clarity, this visualization truncates coverage at the 99th percentile (`r q99`).
-Each bar represents the alignment depth at a 50kb genomic interval, that is, the
-number of reads that had a _proper_ alignment in the 50kb interval. "Proper" refers to a read
+Each bar represents the alignment depth at a `r windowskb` kilobase genomic interval, that is, the
+number of reads that had a _proper_ alignment in the `r windowskb` kilobase interval. "Proper" refers to a read
not marked as a duplicate or flagged with the SAM `UNMAP`, `SECONDARY`, or `QCFAIL` flags.
These values are derived using