- Temperature: average and z-profile
- Density z-profile
- Number of filled cells
Define a periodic pure MPCD fluid.
Define a pure MPCD fluid periodic in x and y and under a temperature gradient in z.
The temperature is computed cell-wise to eliminate the c.o.m. kinetic energy locally.
Implemented in z only.
This is useful to couple a gravity driven flow in z. It might be useless if gravity implented in y direction, though.
Should work automatically given a cut-off radius.
Implemented via virtual wall particles.
Not implemented.
Not implemented.
Not implemented.
Not implemented.
Not implemented.
add cell system with side rc + skin, visit 27-cube
spherical count = rho * 4/3 pi (rc+skin)^3 cubic count = rho * (3*(rc+skin))^3
cubic count / spherical count = 27 / (4/3 pi)
- MPCD and MPCDMD papers by Malevanets and Kapral
- RMPCD paper
Lusebrink and Ripoll, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 084106 (2012)