As long as your ID remains signed in with the Chef server you'll be able to reauth with Supermarket just by connecting with ... (session id?)
URL for logout, https://supermarket-0.c.cheffian-supermarket.internal/id, is 404. Where you want to go is: https://chefserver/id
Actually, I can't seem to sign-out at all. Bug?
The documentation in the README at is pretty good, so go read that and come back.
Now try:
knife supermarket list
should be nothing back
Try uploading a cookbook, and you'll get:
ERROR: Error uploading cookbook fetch_json_data to the Opscode Cookbook Site: lexical error: invalid char in json text.
<html> <head><title>301 Moved
(right here) ------^
Why? Because we're not authenticating as the correct user.
You can get the user.pem from the user-creation step, earlier, by downloading from the chefserver to a local .chef
directory, and accessing with a knife.rb
such as:
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
node_name "pdb" # the username setup with chef-server-ctl user-create
client_key "#{current_dir}/pdb.pem" # The key created by user-create subcommand
chef_server_url "https://chefserver/organizations/pdb_chef12_org" # The org created by chef-server-ctl org-create
ssl_verify_mode :verify_none
knife[:supermarket_site] = 'https://supermarket-0.c.cheffian-supermarket.internal' # Note FQDN and HTTPS
Now you can test knife supermarket
mkdir ./cookbooks
chef generate cookbook cookbooks/test_cookbook
knife supermarket share test_cookbook -o ./cookbooks -c .chef/knife.rb
An alternative to the above key fetch from chef-server:
sudo chef-server-ctl install opscode-manage
sudo opscode-manage-ctl reconfigure
sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure
Then, for your user, generate/download the starter kit
So, you have a cookbook in supermarket. Now what? We'll want to use that cookbook as a dependency
cd cookbooks
chef generate dev_cookbook
cd dev_cookbook
Now, change Berksfile
first line from:
source ""
source 'http://chefserver-0.c.cheffian-supermarket.internal' # This only works since I have /etc/hosts hacked
and add to metadata.rb
depends 'test_cookbook'
Now test with:
berks vendor
Now fails with SSL errors
"chef": { "node_name": "pdb", "client_key": "/Users/pburkholder/Hack/supermetal/.chef/pdb.pem" }