Competitive Coding
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- Point Blank has hosted 40+ editions of its PB Hustle coding contest, where participants tackle 5-7 progressively challenging questions in their chosen language. The aim is to improve college programming culture and qualify teams for ACM ICPC. Notably, DSCE's top programmers have emerged from this, with Codechef long challenge participation growing from 3 to 70+ participants. Further details are provided later.
- {/* Since its inception, Point Blank has organised over 40 iterations of
-its weekly coding contest, called the PB Hustle . We ask participants to solve a series
-of 5-7 questions of varying difficulty levels in a programming language of their choice.
-The contests are open to all and the contests get progressively harder over iterations.
-The end goal of this competition is to have college teams qualify for the ACM ICPC, and
-to better the programming culture in the college.
- To this effect we have already seen a lot of success, we currently have some of the best
-programmers DSCE has ever seen (on the basis of rating and competition
-performance). Our participation numbers in competitions such as Codechef long
-challenge has gone up from 3 to 70+ participants. The details are elaborated upon in
-later sections. */}
+ Point Blank has hosted 40+ editions of its PB Hustle coding contest, where participants tackle 5-7 progressively challenging questions in their chosen language. The aim is to improve college programming culture and qualify teams for ACM ICPC. Notably, DSCE's top programmers have emerged from this, with Codechef long challenge participation growing from 3 to 70+ participants.