diff --git a/app/(default)/leads/page.tsx b/app/(default)/leads/page.tsx
index 107ed92..7ab37b0 100644
--- a/app/(default)/leads/page.tsx
+++ b/app/(default)/leads/page.tsx
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
-import Leads from '../../../components/leads';
export const metadata = {
title: 'Leads',
description: 'Leads page',
-export default function leads() {
+export default function Leads() {
return (
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/leads.tsx b/components/leads.tsx
index 0434b75..a435433 100644
--- a/components/leads.tsx
+++ b/components/leads.tsx
@@ -1,222 +1,55 @@
-// import "../app/css/additional-styles/landing.css";
-// const leads = [
-// {
-// id: 0,
-// text: "Akash Singh",
-// subtext: "CloudSek, Gsoc 24 ",
-// url: "/images/lead1.jpg",
-// },
-// {
-// id: 1,
-// text: "Saalim Quadri",
-// subtext: "Raptee, LFX 23",
-// url: "/images/Lead2.jpg",
-// },
-// {
-// id: 2,
-// text: "Pratyush Singh",
-// subtext: "Ultrahuman, Gsoc 23,24",
-// url: "/images/lead3.jpg",
-// },
-// ];
-// const Leads = () => {
-// return (
-// <>
-// Our Leadership Position are held by the best minds in and across the
-// campus
-// {leads.map((lead) => (
-// {lead.text}
-// {lead.subtext}
-// ))}
-// >
-// );
-// };
-// export default Leads;
-import React from 'react';
-interface Lead {
- id: string;
- name: string;
- position: string;
- organization: string;
- additionalInfo: string;
- imageUrl: string;
-const Leads: React.FC = () => {
- const currentLeads: Lead[] = [
- {
- id: '10',
- name: 'Akash Singh',
- position: '3rd year',
- organization: 'CloudSek',
- additionalInfo: 'Gsoc 24',
- imageUrl: "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/v2/D5603AQFeShMi1sbKLg/profile-displayphoto-shrink_800_800/profile-displayphoto-shrink_800_800/0/1718481763562?e=1729123200&v=beta&t=60HO7YQ53F44tUfCHikuDNYHZPojS2SJD0msO1Sm3eY",
- },
- {
- id: '1',
- name: 'Saalim Quadri',
- position: '4th year',
- organization: 'Raptee',
- additionalInfo: 'LFX 23',
- imageUrl: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/qx5kklh3ls/WhatsApp%20Image%202023-10-29%20at%2011.12.20%20AM.jpeg?updatedAt=1698558279266',
- },
- {
- id: '3',
- name: 'Pratyush Singh',
- position: 'Alumni',
- organization: 'Ultrahuman',
- additionalInfo: 'Gsoc 23, 24',
- imageUrl: 'https://github-production-user-asset-6210df.s3.amazonaws.com/90026952/279694915-c7693363-6623-4bd2-9503-ee092b0e3593.jpeg',
- },
- ];
- const alumniLeads: Lead[] = [
- {
- id: '2',
- name: 'Prathik Singh',
- position: '',
- organization: '',
- additionalInfo: '',
- imageUrl: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/qx5kklh3ls/index.jpeg?updatedAt=1678781533632',
- },
- {
- id: '4',
- name: 'Ashutosh Pandey',
- position: '',
- organization: '',
- additionalInfo: '',
- imageUrl: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/36353507?v=4',
- },
- {
- id: '5',
- name: 'Bapu Pruthvidhar',
- position: '',
- organization: '',
- additionalInfo: '',
- imageUrl: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37359679?v=4',
- },
- {
- id: '6',
- name: 'Anukul Anand',
- position: '',
- organization: '',
- additionalInfo: '',
- imageUrl: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/64669326?v=4',
- },
- {
- id: '7',
- name: 'Madhur Mehta',
- position: '',
- organization: '',
- additionalInfo: '',
- imageUrl: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/77354138?v=4',
- },
- {
- id: '8',
- name: 'Debayan Ghosh Dastider',
- position: '',
- organization: '',
- additionalInfo: '',
- imageUrl: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/77199373?v=4',
- },
- {
- id: '9',
- name: 'Rithik Raj Pandey',
- position: '',
- organization: '',
- additionalInfo: '',
- imageUrl: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/83706503?s=400&u=2d00114433bc28b8e28252e41bbc919229b9a7f4&v=4',
- },
- ];
+import "../app/css/additional-styles/landing.css";
+const leads = [
+ {
+ id: 0,
+ text: "Akash Singh",
+ subtext: "CloudSek, Gsoc 24 ",
+ url: "/images/lead1.jpg",
+ },
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ text: "Saalim Quadri",
+ subtext: "Raptee, LFX 23",
+ url: "/images/Lead2.jpg",
+ },
+ {
+ id: 2,
+ text: "Pratyush Singh",
+ subtext: "Ultrahuman, Gsoc 23,24",
+ url: "/images/lead3.jpg",
+ },
+const Leads = () => {
return (
+ <>
+ Our Leadership Position are held by the best minds in and across the
+ campus
+ {leads.map((lead) => (
+ {lead.text}
+ {lead.subtext}
+ ))}
+ >
-interface LeadSectionProps {
- title: string;
- leads: Lead[];
-const LeadSection: React.FC = ({ title, leads }) => (
- {title}
- {leads.map((lead) => (
- ))}
export default Leads;