installed manually list of packages
installed manually paru and their list of packages
move manually custom keyboard settings and also set them manually
symlink manually .config settings
set zsh as a defalt shell manually
install manually firefox fix ui theme
improve megasync script because doest not work
manually downloand github repositories (st,dotfiles,neovim config)
manually create neovim symlink and also change branches (minimal and normal)
create manually ssh keys and config file
manually set the icons, cursor and gtk theme using lxappareacne
installing and manually configurin pipx
manually config openssh (enable service)
manually config syncthing (enable service and share folder) and start service
adding term-118n font to vconsole.config /etc/vconsole.conf # location
adding update app list hook
manually update grub to actiave grub menu and save last session
manually copy gtk3 folder generated by lxappareacne and change the name for gtk4
finish docker setup
import zsh highlight to my config manually (after installit in archlinux package manager)
manually creating a crontab job in sudo mode
manually adding nvim as a default editor in env variables /etc/environment
manually adding my tachidesk backup script to user crontab
manually initialize postgress initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data ( you need to be postgress user to initialize the database )
install bun manually curl -fsSL | bash
manually enable systemd-resolved service ( also manually download proton vpn configuration file for wireguard)
manually change the defaul dbeaver desktop application to execute this instead env GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark dbeaver
manually add my second disk to automount at start of my computer using /etc/fstab
file config
install manually zlibrari extension
enable atd service
manage secrets with some tool
- Finalize scrit to manager volume
- Create a vpn config (could wait)