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Translate for Hammerspoon

The magic of Google Cloud Translation while you're typing. Anywhere.


Note: gTranslation requires a Google Cloud Translation API-key.

Translate is an extension for Hammerspoon. Once Hammerspoon is installed (see install Hammerspoon below) you can run the following script to install Autocomplete.

$ curl -sSL | bash just clones this repository into ~/.hammerspoon, loads it into Hammerspoon and sets ⌃⌥⌘T as the default keybinding.

Manual installation

$ git clone ~/.hammerspoon/gtranslate

To initialize, add to ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua (creating it if it does not exist):

local gtranslate = require "gtranslate/gtranslate"

Alternatively, copy gtranslate.lua from this repository to whereever you keep other Hammerspoon modules and load it appropriately.

Reload the Hammerspoon config.

Install Hammerspoon

Hammerspoon can be installed using homebrew/caskroom.

$ brew tap caskroom/cask
$ brew cask install hammerspoon
$ open -a /Applications/


Trigger with the hotkey ⌃⌥⌘T. Once you start typing, suggestions will populate. They can be choosen with ⌘1-9 or by pressing the arrow keys and Enter. Pressing ⌘C copies the selected item to the clipboard.

The source and target languages and the hotkey can be changed by passing in arguments to init call (in your ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua file) such as:

gtranslate.init("YOUR_APIKEY", "fi", "en", {"cmd", "ctrl"}, 'L')


This work is almost fully based on the Anycomplete codebase by Nathan Cahill.