All contributions are welcome to be submitted for review for inclusion , but before they will be accepted, we ask that you follow these simple steps:
- If a change in a method causes a change in the expected behavior, the unit test should also be updated to match the change.
- Gris-Gris Skelton uses PHPUnit for its unit testing. Please review the PHPUnit manual at
- Whether your pull request is a bug fix or introduces new classes or methods, we ask that you include unit tests for your changes.
- Although bug fixes may be accepted without unit tests (so long as existing tests do not fail with your change), new classes will not be accepted without tests to validate its functionality.
- The Gris-Gris Skelton Manual is contained in the docs directory of this repo and is written in Markdown format.
- When submitting new packages, documentation will be required with your pull request. Please use the existing documentation for examples.
- We understand that not all code is documented at this time. Feel free to expand on the existing documentation by adding to existing chapters or submitting new chapters.