into local docs foldergit pull
to update local with the latest changes on GitHubgit branch
should yield v0.11 in your terminal- If you’re not on the right branch,
git checkout v0.11
- Make changes to titles/descriptions and save the files
git add .
git status
to show the files that you’ve changedgit commit -m "message"
to describe the changes you’ve madegit push
to take your local changes and push them up to github
Tip: To open the folder you're in within your terminak in VS Code with the code.
, go into VS Code, run SHIFT + COMMAND + P
and then type in SHELL COMMAND: Install 'code' command in Path
- Make sure to
git pull
before you make any new changes. If you don'tgit pull
and there end up being remote changes that you don't have locally, you may get a merge conflict.
If there's a merge conflict, the following command will get all the changes without overriding your own change (force merging remote into local while preserving your changes):
git pull
hit the escape key
If you ever want to "force git pull" and scrap anything you have locally and reset to the master branch, you can run: git reset --hard origin/master