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176 lines (142 loc) · 4.86 KB

File metadata and controls

176 lines (142 loc) · 4.86 KB


Gulp plugin for Vue.js *.vue component file complie to AMD / CMD / CommonJS module.

Now, You can use Require.js / Sea.js ... etc. Front-end Module loader load Vue Component, not use Webpack and vue-loader.


$ npm install gulp-vue-module --save-dev

Gulpfile.js :

var fs        = require('fs');
var path      = require('path');
var gulp      = require('gulp');
var rename    = require('gulp-rename');
var VueModule = require('gulp-vue-module');

gulp.task('vue', function() {
    return gulp.src('./vue/**/*.vue')
                    debug : true
                .pipe(rename({extname : ".js"}))

gulp.task('default', ['vue']);

app.vue :

tag order : <style> > <template> > <script>, <tempate> tag must be at <script> tag before.

<style lang="scss">

.card {
    backround: $color;
    > .head {
        color: $color;
        background: yellow;

    <div class="app" @click="click">
        <list-component :msg="message"></list-component>

    var Vue           = require("vue");
    var listComponent = require('component/list');

    module.exports = Vue.extend({
        data : function() {
            return {
                id      : 23456,
                message : 'Message'
        methods : {
            click : function() {
        components: {
            'list-component' : listComponent
        template : '__template__'

<template> tag unsupport set lang attribute, support set include="/path/to/" attribute.

<script> tag unsupport set lang attribute, so you can't use ES6 syntax;

<style> tag support set lang="css|scss|sass" attribute, and support set href="/path/to/xxx.(css|scss|sass)" attribute link CSS file.

You can use <header-comment> tag insert the header comments

Output :

define(function(require, exports, module){
    // require.loadCSS() need you implement this function
    require.loadCSS({content : ".card{backround:red}.card>.head{color:red;background:yellow}"});

    var Vue           = require("vue/all");
    var listComponent = require('component/list');

    module.exports = Vue.extend({
        data : function() {
            return {
                id      : 23456,
                message : 'Message'
        methods : {
            click : function() {
        components: {
            'list-component' : listComponent
        template : '<div class="app" @click="click"><p>{{a}}</p><list-component :msg="message"></list-component></div>'

require.loadCSS() implement example :

require.loadCSS = function(config) {
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

    if (config.content) {
        var style  = document.createElement('style');
        style.type = 'text/css';
        if (style.styleSheet) { // for IE
            style.styleSheet.cssText = config.content;
        } else {
            style.innerHTML = config.content;

    else if (config.url) {
        var link  = document.createElement('link');

        link.href = config.url;
        link.rel  = 'stylesheet';
        link.type = 'text/css';


    debug              : false,             // Debug mode
    amd                : false,             // AMD style, Define module name and deps
    define             : true,              // Using define() wrapper the module, false for Node.js (CommonJS style)
    defineName         : false,             // Define the module name
    indent             : '    ',            // Indent whitespace
    headerComment      : true,              // Using <header-comment> Insert the header comments
    templateReplaceTag : '__template__',    // vue component template replace tag
    loadCSSMethod      : 'require.loadCSS', // define the load css method for require
    externalRequire    : false              // don't pass require as a parameter

You can set externalRequire to true and inject vue into the file insted of requiring it internally.


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The MIT license.

Copyright (C) 2016 Pandao