[ExtJS 5.x]
- Remote filters in combo with gridfilter plugin ignores autoLoad false
- Binding a store to a pagingtoolbar does not work
Fixed in ExtJS 5.1.0
[Cascaded Combo boxes]
ExtJS 5.0
: Works with Formula fix, still UX issues:- When changing parents not seting to null children
- When editing record not loading parents
- ID field shown when clicked & store not loaded
ExtJS 5.1
: Works without Formula fix (dbinding: panax_record.), UX issues- GET request when selecting, disappears from UI
- Unify callbacks & message boxes alerts
- Unify loadingmasks
- FormView: -Create: Save, close(destroy+back) window/panel and/or redirect to formView/Edit -DONE: Update: Update and stay (as it is now) -Delete [***new button]: Delete and close(destroy+back) window/panel
- GridView: -Create [modal window]: Save, close(destroy+back) modal window, refresh grid store -DONE: Update [modal window]: Save, close(destroy+back) modal window, refresh grid store (as it is now) -DONE: Delete [save button]: Batch session delete (as it is now)
["id" BUG (When identityProperty != "id")]
- Debug::store
- Store's id key is replaced?? why??
- Data's id = null. Why?
- Many other bugs related when identityProperty != "Id"
- When not identityKey (ex. some junctionTables): Concat(primary keys)
- Still issues with junctionTables, foreignTables, foreignKeys
[WRONG controlType in 2nd request.asp]
- open
catalog (ex. Sexos)- Second request.asp controlType ===
(ask Uriel)
- Second request.asp controlType ===
- REMOTE filters
- payload
compuesto (ver ver12.0) - Ordering should/could be REMOTE as well (remoteSort=true) (ver ver12.0)
- payload
- ViewConfig buttons:
- Save stateful (savestate()) ~ Summary SUM, AVG, ..., etc
- Fix tabs layouts: junctionTables and hasMany-foreignTables default in a separated tab, otherwise in fieldset?
- READONLY: Some fields are not shown
- Nested Results (still BUGGY) ~ OPTION 1 (Enabled): GridView - Panax.getPanaxComponent ~ OPTION 2 (Disabled): XSL PanaxGrid Template "Filters.ResultsGrid"
- Filters: >, >=, <, <=, =, BETWEEN, LIKE
- Filters (sliders, checkboxes, etc) like cellphones example
- Menu.asp : Global.js - ID for Navigation node not Title, but unique ID
- Autoscroll issue when Zoom > 100%
- Loading masks
- Look at V12.0 AjaxStore listeners
- Something implemented with freignKeys ajax comboboxes
- User global loader animation @ bottom of contentPanel
- like SapUI
- Research loading UI paradigms
- Thumbnails
- Icon/CSS for folders
[Catalgos ForeignKeys (combobox)]
- Engrane (*) (catalogs with combobox)
- Nuevo
- Actualizar
- Editar (when selected)
- Borrar (when selected)
- Ext.Container +Mixin: form.FieldContainer
- Siempre regresan un valor para persistir
- Incluyen 1 o + controles
- Pueden incluir otros components anidados
- Ver ejemplo Uriel (dataField.xsl)
- MONEY textfield: Ext.ux.form.CurrencyField (components.js)
- DATETIME: Extend it like CurrencyField? (see FieldContainer)
- READONLY: Display controls as labels?
[ASSOC: auto referenced tables]
treeview many levels
[ASSOC: junctionTables + auto referenced tables]
treview many levels + checkboxes
[EmpConDisc] .--.
[Empleado]------^ ^----[Discapacidad]-' ^-------------[Otra Categoria]
(HTML? PDF? CSS Printer) (Reportes ER, BG, etc)
- https://github.com/grafikchaos/Ext.ux.Printer
- Calendarios
- Company Portal
[ROADMAP: Version 13.0 Refactoring]
- Start with stripped-down Kitchensink Shell
- clean it
- Refactor components.js to app/PanaxCore.js and ExtJS components (controls, models, etc)
- Move JS functionalities to pure-js libraries
- Remove REQUIRES from Application.js and load dynamically when needed
- Add ASP and XSL functionality progressively
- XSL call pure-js libraries
- XSL files: Clean and separate in logic & atomic parts
- ......
[Exception Handling: Everywhere]
- Try/Catch blocks in critical areas
Already in Panax.getInstance?
- Investigate howTo in ExtJS
[Pure-JS Files]
- Kitchensink legacy: Clean according to kitchensink sandbox
- Enable theme switcher
- Remove Microloader, bootstrap stuff?
- components.js: separate in logical files (categories):
- Move Ext initializers (top) to app.js booter
- Panax.* core functions (panax-core.js)
- Base models, stores (panax-datamodel.js)
- Views + Controls (panax-widgets, or alike)
- Use ExtJS hierarchy? (app/[views,models,etc])
- REQUIRE dinamically from app.js? (check extjs docs)
- overrides.js: rename to panax-overrides.js
- Remove
- commented code (later)
- junk code
- [Cross-site scripting (XSS) (Ex. cardView.xsl)]**
- [Remove ["data"] and ["value"] mappings]**
- New XML structure -> New declared pre-defined routes
- sessionTimeout -> automatically logout and send to login page (models listeners involved?)
- Alternative via SIMManager???
[Revisar organizacion CCs] [Revisar reglas de Purchasing Invoicing, Accounting, ordenes de compra, recepción, consumibles, pagos, pagos parciales, etx, factura