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Releases: palantir/plottable

clipPath Bug Fix

22 Aug 00:57
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clipPath Bug Fix Pre-release

Good Evening,

This patch includes a fix for a bug caused by the interaction between <base> and <clipPath> elements (#784). Previously, changing the base URL using <base> would cause the <clipPath> reference to be lost on all browsers except IE9.

Stacked Bars, Clustered Bars, and Interaction Changes

19 Aug 04:48
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screen shot 2014-08-18 at 9 03 52 pm

Good Evening,

This release lays the groundwork for some major changes we've been meaning to make for a while. Rather than introduce them all at once, our goal is to add the new features in a way that preserves Plottable's existing functionality, improves on it, and eventually replaces it. (As an example, see how Axis.Category and Axis.Numeric gradually replaced the old XAxis and YAxis classes in previous releases).

Multi-Series Plots: We've known for a while that, while the "one-series-per-plot" paradigm had worked well for us thus far, we would need to augment it eventually; stacked and clustered bars demanded that the rendering code responsible for visualizing multiple datasets be aware of each other, and even using multiple Plot.Lines requires coordinating them so that each is a different color.

Interactions: While some interactions currently exist in the code base, they haven't been as carefully considered as other parts of our API, nor do they have a particularly cohesive unifying structure. They are currently under active (re)-development.

The changes in this release:

Plot.ClusteredBar and Plot.StackedBar

Plot.ClusteredBar and Plot.StackedBar have been added. They represent the first of the "new" style plots, which handle multiple datasets in a principled way. An example use case:

var stackedBarPlot = new Plottable.Plot.StackedBar(xScale, yScale);
stackedBarPlot.addDataset("d1", data1)
              .addDataset("d2", data2)
              .addDataset("d3", data3); // add many datasets
stackedBarPlot.project("x", "name", xScale)
              .project("y", "y", yScale); // projection works as usual

Datasets / DataSources can be added with identifying keys and their order changed. The data backing each dataset has to have the same "shape", as the same projector is used for each dataset. Currently, Plot.ClusteredBar and Plot.StackedBar can only draw vertical bars and only support datasets of the same length, but expect these restrictions to be removed with future code enhancements.


Interaction.BarHover adds interactivity to Plot.VerticalBar and Plot.HorizontalBar, triggering callbacks when the user mouses over a bar or mouses away from a bar. To use:

var barHover = new Plottable.Interaction.BarHover(barPlot); // either kind works
barHover.onHover(function(datum, barSelection) { // CALLBACK CODE HERE });
barHover.onUnhover(function(datum, barSelection) { // MORE CALLBACK CODE HERE });

The callbacks are passed a d3 selection containing the bar that was just moused over or out of, as well as the data associated with the bar. In addition, the interaction can be set to either "point" mode (mousing over the rendered bar will trigger the callback) or "line" mode (mousing beyond the end of the bar will also trigger it; useful for zero-length bars).

Interaction.Drag API changes

Interaction.Drag now triggers callbacks on dragstart, drag, and dragend. In addition, its callbacks have been updated to use the new Point interface:

  export interface Point {
    x: number;
    y: number;

Coming Up

We will continue to improve the new multi-series bar plots, while adding others such as stacked area plots and multiple-line plots (where the color scale is built-in). Also expect more Interactions to be added and the API and behavior of existing interactions to be improved.

Happy Plotting.


13 Aug 23:02
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Stylin'! Pre-release

screen shot 2014-08-13 at 3 58 44 pm

Good afternoon,

We've got some big changes coming up, but we thought we'd do a release now so that you guys can pick up some fixes and enhancements we made:

  • Sweet new stylings! (see above) There are now "canonical" Plottable colors in colors.ts.
  • Gridlines at x=0 and y=0 now have the zeroline CSS class.
  • CSS classes have been renamed: renderer, bar-renderer, line-renderer, area-renderer have been renamed to plot, bar-plot, line-plot, area-plot, respectively.
  • Formatters are now simple functions that take in a single argument and returns a string. Factory methods exist in Formatters.ts.
  • Axis.Numeric width calculation should work better now.
  • Users can set the extra space between the tick labels and the outer edge of the axis using the gutter().
  • Users can set the length of the end ticks independently with endTickLength().
  • Plot.Line and Plot.Area can now project display properties based on the data:
areaPlot.project("fill", function(d) { return d.color; });

The first datum will be used to determine the display properties in these cases.

Fix Legend Sizing

29 Jul 21:31
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Fix Legend Sizing Pre-release

This fixes a minor bug involving how legend icons were sized, which led to them overflowing the bottom of the legend.


Remove incorrect warning messages

29 Jul 20:59
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Datasources would attempt to print warnings if the dataset contained null or undefined values, but that didn't work correctly when the data was first loaded (due to the default accessors on plots).

API Rename: QuantitiveScale -> QuantitativeScale

28 Jul 20:00
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You know what's awkward? Having your base QuantitativeScale class be named "QuantitiveScale" rather than "QuantitativeScale". You know what's also awkward? The minor API break when you fix the spelling. This release does nothing but rename QuantitiveScale to QuantitativeScale. Since this is an abstract class, it should only affect Typescript consumers who were using it as a type signature for generic scales. It will not affect Javascript consumers of the API at all.

Time Axes & Time Scales

23 Jul 21:54
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This release adds powerful and flexible Time Axes, as seen below.

It can be accessed via Plottable.Axis.Time and takes a Plottable.Scale.Time in the constructor.


fix hack in previous release

22 Jul 19:24
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This release makes the fix present in the last release more general, rather than a hack just to fix one specific problem.

minor bugfixes

22 Jul 18:44
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minor bugfixes Pre-release

This release fixes some bugs in Plottable.Util.DOM._getParsedStyleValue and Label._requestedSpace in order to get slate to work.

Update d3.d.ts

22 Jul 17:26
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Update d3.d.ts Pre-release

Upgraded to latest version.