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vpradeep07 edited this page Nov 9, 2012 · 16 revisions


This is a future project that hasn't really even been written yet

Writing a new controller

We want to write a PR2 controller that tracks position. Since the PR2 takes effort commands, we need to inherit the `JointEffortInterface`.

class PR2PositionController : public Controller<JointEffortCommandInterface>
  bool init(JointEffortCommandInterface* hw, ros::NodeHandle &n)
    # get joint name from the parameter server
    std::string my_joint;
    if (!n.param('joint', my_joint)){
      ROS_ERROR("Could not find joint name");
      return false;

    # get the joint object to use in the realtime loop
    joint_ = hw->getJointCommandEffort(my_joint);
    return true;

  void update(const ros::Time& time)
    double error = setpoint_ - joint_.getJointState().getPosition();

  void starting(const ros::Time& time) { }
  void stopping(const ros::Time& time) { }

  JointEffortCommand joint_;
  static const double gain_ = 1.25;
  static const double setpoint_ = 3.00;

Hardware Interface Example

Setting up a new robot

Defining a hardware interface

Suppose we have a robot with 2 joints: A & B. Joint A is position controlled, and Joint B is Velocity controlled.

class MyRobotHW : public JointEffortCommandInterface, public JointCommandPositionInterface
  RobotHW() { }

  const std::vector<std::string> getJointNames()
    std::vector<std::string> names;
    return names;

  double& getPositionCommand(const std::string& name)
    if (name == "A")
      return joint_A_pos_command_;
      throw Error(name + "is not a Position Joint");

  double& getEffortCommand(const std::string& name)
    if (name == "B")
      return joint_B_pos_command_;
      throw Error(name + "Is not a Velocity Joint");

  double getPosition(const std::string& name)
    if (name == "A")
      return pos[0];
    else if(name == "B")
      return pos[1];
      return Error(name + " is not known");

double getVelocity(const std::string& name)
    if (name == "A")
      return vel[0];
    else if(name == "B")
      return vel[1];
      return Error(name + " is not known");

double getEffort(const std::string& name)
    if (name == "A")
      return eff[0];
    else if(name == "B")
      return eff[1];
      return Error(name + " is not known");

  double joint_A_pos_command_;
  double joint_B_vel_command_;

  double pos[2];
  double vel[2];
  double eff[2];
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