Install the following tools:
Be assure you have following roles on AWS accounts:
- padok - PadokSSO
- padok_lab - AdministratorAccess
- padok_dojo - AdministratorAccess
If not, You can ask to the padok aws team.
, setgithub_usernames
parameter with accurate list of github handles. -
Run the following commands.
# From repository root folder
cd ./setup/layers
# Allow direnv to use .envrc
direnv allow
# Login to AWS through Padok SSO
aws sso login
terragrunt run-all apply
This repository will deploy an AWS infrastructure designed for the Dojo in padok_dojo
The principal resources deployed are:
- A Route 53 hosted zone
- An ECS Cluster with an Elastic Load balancer
- Two ECR for backend and frontend application
- A tunned virtual machine for each student with every cli and tools they will need
- Run the following commands:
# Download aws-nuke cli
wget -c -O - | tar -xz -C $HOME/bin
# Create an alias for padok-dojo account
aws iam create-account-alias --profile padok_dojo --account-alias padok-dojo
# Destroy all resources in aws account
aws-nuke -c ./nuke-config.yaml --profile padok_dojo --no-dry-run
- Connect to
account to
NS record
User Access: /!\ This is a pain point for each dojo /!\
- Anticipate
github account
andrsa ssh key pair
creations - Get the list of
github handles
Basic infrastructure understanding:
We tried to abstract at maximum the complexity of AWS (iam, resources, security...) to focus exclusivly on terraform
But some basic informations to share may be helpful to make your users understand better:
- Docker image / registry
- DNS zone / record
- Load balancer target group / listener rules
- ECS cluster / services
Supporting students:
- Do the first exercice together to be sure everyone understand the basics