All Notable changes to iris
will be documented in this file.
- Remove PHP 7 support, will only support PHP 8
- Added type hinting and return type declarations
- Made BaseColor::back() and BaseColor::getColorModelName() public @rv1971
- Use non-locale aware output for the alpha value @Jako
- Updated .gitignore, and some code refactoring @kudashevs
- Added Hexa support.
- Fix HSL to HSV conversion.
- PHP 8.0 support.
- Added Factory class to attempt to guess the color.
- Added shade method.
- Added tint method.
- Added isLight and isDark methods.
- Added HSLA and RGBA support.
- Initial release.
- Hex, HSL, HSV and RGB support.
- Saturate, desaturate, grayscale, lighten, darken, brighten, spin and mix operations.