Guideline: Avoid unnecessary specificity in selectors.
/* Instead of this */
div#content > p.intro { ... }
/* Use this */
.intro { ... }
Guideline: Use attribute selectors instead of class names for specific styling when appropriate, reducing the need for extra class definitions.
/* Instead of this */
.element-with-long-name { ... }
/* Use this */
button[data-type="primary"] { ... }
Guideline: Simplify selectors to reduce their length.
/* Instead of this */
div.container > ul > li { ... }
/* Use this */
.container li { ... }
Guideline: When multiple selectors share the same style declarations, combine them into a single rule to reduce redundancy. Or even better make one single class!
/* Instead of this */
.button {
color: green;
border: 1px solid green
.submit-button {
color: green;
border: 1px solid green
/* Use this */
.button, .submit-button {
color: green;
border: 1px solid green
Guideline: Use CSS variables for repeated values.
/* Instead of this */
.header {
font: 400 15px/1.5 courier, monospace
.footer {
font: 400 15px/1.5 courier, monospace
/* Use this */
:root {
--font-style-1: 400 15px/1.5 courier, monospace
.header {
font: var(--font-style-1)
.footer {
font: var(--font-style-1)
Guideline: Avoid overly specific or redundant selectors to reduce file size and improve readability.
/* Instead of this */
.container > .header .title { ... }
/* Use this */
.title { ... }
Guideline: When naming classes and IDs, choose short, descriptive names to improve readability and navigation in your CSS files. Aim for names under 10 - 14 characters.
cssCopy code
/* Instead of this */
.element-with-long-name { ... }
/* Use this */
.element { ... }