Golook Broker (see https://github.com/ottenwbe/golook):
- Features:
- Exposes an http api to query for files on different systems
- Whitelisting: Users can control the files or folders that are exposed for queries by explicitly whitelisting them.
- Behaviour:
- Brokers cache system and file information in a local repository
- Goal: Reduce the time to query for a file
- Monitors file changes and reports them to the cache
- Only monitors files that have been explicitly reported by a user
- Brokers cache system and file information in a local repository
- Infrastructure:
- Peer-to-peer infrastructure of brokers
- Peer-to-peer infrastructure supports two scenarios:
- Broadcast file reports, then query for files at any broker
- Keep file reports locally, then broadcast queries to find files
- Restrictions:
- All brokers have to be configured to the same scenario
- Features:
Golook CLI (see https://github.com/ottenwbe/golook-cli):
- Interface for users to report and query for reported files
- Has an uplink connection to one broker which typically runs locally on the same host as the CLI.
- Four layers:
- API Layer:
- Controller
- Repositories
- Service Layer:
- File Services
- System Services
- Configuration Service
- Routing Layer:ma
- Broadcast
- Communication Layer:
- API Layer:
- Cross-cutting concerns:
- Runtime:
- Server
- Commands
- Runtime: