The simple batch job driver on AWS and GCP. (Azure, OpenStack are coming soon)
hotsub run \
--script ./ \
--tasks ./star-alignment-tasks.csv \
--image friend1ws/star-alignment \
--aws-ec2-instance-type t2.2xlarge \
It will
- execute workflow described in
- for each samples specified in
- in
docker containers - on EC2 instances of type
and automatically upload the output files to S3 and clean up EC2 instances after all.
See Documentation for more details.
There are 3 points why hotsub
is made and why you use it
- No-need to setup your cloud on web consoles:
- Since
uses pure EC2 or GCE instances, you don't have to configure AWS Batch nor Dataflow on messy web consoles
- Since
- Multi-platforms with the same interface of command line:
- You can switch AWS and GCP as you like only with
option ofrun
command (of course you need to have credentials on your local machine)
- You can switch AWS and GCP as you like only with
- ExTL framework available:
- In some cases of bio-informatics, the problem is how to handle common and huge refrence genome.
suggests and implementsExTL
- In some cases of bio-informatics, the problem is how to handle common and huge refrence genome.
Check Getting Started on GitHub Pages
hotsub - command line to run batch computing on AWS and GCP with the same interface
hotsub [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Open-source command-line tool to run batch computing tasks and workflows on backend services such as Amazon Web Services.
run Run your jobs on cloud with specified input files and any parameters
init Initialize CLI environment on which hotsub runs
template Create a template project of hotsub
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
--version, -V print the version
% hotsub run -h
hotsub run - Run your jobs on cloud with specified input files and any parameters
hotsub run [command options] [arguments...]
Run your jobs on cloud with specified input files and any parameters
--verbose, -v Print verbose log for operation.
--log-dir value Path to log directory where stdout/stderr log files will be placed (default: "${cwd}/logs/${time}")
--concurrency value, -C value Throttle concurrency number for running jobs (default: 8)
--provider value, -p value Job service provider, either of [aws, gcp, vbox, hyperv] (default: "aws")
--tasks value Path to CSV of task parameters, expected to specify --env, --input, --input-recursive and --output-recursive. (required)
--image value Image name from Docker Hub or other Docker image service. (default: "ubuntu:14.04")
--script value Local path to a script to run inside the workflow Docker container. (required)
--shared value, -S value Shared data URL on cloud storage bucket. (e.g. s3://~)
--keep Keep instances created for computing event after everything gets done
--env value, -E value Environment variables to pass to all the workflow containers
--disk-size value Size of data disk to attach for each job in GB. (default: 64)
--shareddata-disksize value Disk size of shared data instance (in GB) (default: 64)
--aws-region value AWS region name in which AmazonEC2 instances would be launched (default: "ap-northeast-1")
--aws-ec2-instance-type value AWS EC2 instance type. If specified, all --min-cores and --min-ram would be ignored. (default: "t2.micro")
--aws-shared-instance-type value Shared Instance Type on AWS (default: "m4.4xlarge")
--aws-vpc-id value VPC ID on which computing VMs are launched
--aws-subnet-id value Subnet ID in which computing VMs are launched
--google-project value Project ID for GCP
--google-zone value GCP service zone name (default: "asia-northeast1-a")
--cwl value CWL file to run your workflow
--cwl-job value Parameter files for CWL
--wdl value WDL file to run your workflow
--wdl-job value Parameter files for WDL
--include value Local files to be included onto workflow container
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