- Read ROS/Gazebo documentation.
- Do ROS/Gazebo tutorials.
- Read about Mindwave protocol.
- Jackie and Esteve: Order Mindwave for Steve.
- Everyone: Decide on which robot to use in the demo (Turtlebot? Drone?).
- Everyone: Finalize schedule.
- Make design document for Mindwave ROS library.
- Set up ROS packages.
- Write program to parse Mindwave packets in Linux based on communication protocol.
- Implement messages for Mindwave communication with ROS.
- Work on integrating Mindwave parser with ROS node.
- Finish integration of Mindwave with ROS.
- Write a controller that uses the ROS pacakge to control
with the Mindwave.
- Integrate packages with Gazebo.
- Run controller on robot in Gazebo.
Focus on finishing demo and prepping for midterm evaluation.
TODO: Fill in work after midterms. If Mindwave is done, think about working on Myo. Otherwise, improve Mindwave communication.
Run demos on real robots.
Focus on code cleanup, writing tests, improving documentation.
End of GSOC