example folder contains a pbar.c example program
This returns a pbar ptr struct (a malloc to the Orix kernel), arg is the type of the pbar, for instance one pbar type is available
- struct pbar *pbarInit(unsigned char pbartype);
pbarRun display the next percentage and the next char for the progressbar. Each type the pbarRun is called, the bar add "3%" to the current percentage. Step arg is not used yet. pbarRun must be called 34 times to have almost the complete bar. pbarEnd will displays 100% and will free pbar struct.
- void pbarRun(unsigned char step, struct pbar *ptr);
pbarEnd finishes the bar and free the pbar ptr
- void pbarEnd(struct pbar ptr);
A contains the type of the progressbar (not used yet), must be initialized with PBAR_TYPE_SLIDE_EQUAL X = 3 (step but not used) Y = 0 (not used, but Y must be set to 0)
ldx #3
ldy #0
jsr pbarInit
; A and X contains the ptr of the pbar struct
start progressBar
ldy #3 ; Step not used yet, but for future, let's keep 3
lda #<ptr_struct_progressbar ; (from pbarInit )
ldx #>ptr_struct_progressbar ; (from pbarInit )
jsr pbarRun
Displays 100% and free progressbar
lda #<ptr_struct_progressbar ; (from pbarInit )
ldx #>ptr_struct_progressbar ; (from pbarInit )
jsr pbarEnd