- Bugfix : multiples files impossible to manage it when files were greater than 256 bytes
- bugfix : write file was not working on real computer
- [XMKDIR] Fix registers
- [XATN] Arc Tan routine removed
- [XCOS] Cosinus routine removed
- [XSIN] Cosinus routine removed
- [XLN] Ln routine removed
- [XLOG] Ln routine removed
- [XEXP] Ln routine removed
- [XOPEN] WR_ONLY Flag now, does not create the file. O_CREAT is managed and create the file
- [XFSEEK] now works (return EOK if OK, EINVAL if whence is not recognize)
- [XOPEN] [XREAD] [XCLOSE] Allows to open 2 files
- [XFREE] Fix many bugs
- [Load from device] Add magic token to start any binary without checks
- [cc65] Fix mkdir bug
- [cc65] now send correct fd for fwrite/fopen/fread to the kernel
- [cc65] kbhit has the right behavior
- [XOPEN] Now we can open files from with a string bigger than 17 bytes ...
- [XEXEC] Fix a bug : when we launched many rom commands, sometimes orix restarts
- [XEXEC] Fix a bug : binary from cc65 was not able to get args from command line