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Pasindu Dewapriya PasinduDew
Undergraduate Student. Interested in Web, Android Mobile Application and IoT Development.

University of Colombo School of Computing Colombo, Sri Lanka

Navod Wickramathunga NavodWickramathunga
Passionate about AI with a focus on Chatbots, NLP, LLMs, and MLPs. Dedicated to bridging the gap between humans and machines for a transformative future

@Dialog Colombo, Sri Lanka

Thilina Ashen Gamage ashenwgt
Technology Researcher • Passionate about building things and learning how things work ⚡🚀

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa Colombo, Sri Lanka

Hithru De Alwis Hithru
Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate at the University of Moratuwa.