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Lahiru lahirunirmalx
dad - write crappy code on Github

OrangeHRM Colombo,Srilanka

Divya Pujara Divyastra

Leicester Hackspace Leicester

Just some guy who dived in head first into Arduino because my old Ford truck was updated with a more modern engine and ECM that required CAN to to accept VSS.
msleek msleek
Connoisseur in breaking things. Interests include: Electronic Warfare, Information Assurance, and Automotive Security

Somewhere configuring my homelab.

Cellie CelliesProjects
developing open sores


Felipe Neves uLipe
Embedded Systems Engineer. Enthusiast of open source projects, robotics, real-time systems and control theory.


Mauro Joel Schütz mjschutz
Gamer, Software Developer, OS-Dev, and Webmaster. 🧉

Alto Feliz

La Team Prep LaTeamPrep
We Love Old Cars

LTP llc France



André Jr. AndrelJr
Engenheiro Eletricista
