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James Larson jameslarsonclimate
Colorado State Univ. graduate student researching societal-climate interactions in the Dept. of Atmospheric Science

Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado

Gaurav Sablok applicativesystem
Pythoninsta, Rustacean, Gopher


이준헌 leejoonhun

@qraft-technologies Seoul, Republic of Korea

Pho Hale CommanderPho
Check out my website at
Ronnakrit "Ronnie" Rattanasriampaipong PaleoLipidRR
NOAA Climate & Global Change Postdoctoral Fellow | Paleoceanographer | Ultra-distance runner | TAMU PhD Alum | Fulbright Alum | IODP Schlanger Alum

The University of Arizona Tucson, AZ

Greg Blumberg wblumberg
NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow @ NASA Goddard. Soundings, PBL, severe storms, etc.


Brendan Meade brendanjmeade
Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences at Harvard University

Harvard University Cambridge, MA

Amin Sadeghi ma-sadeghi

@uToronto Vancouver, Canada

Laura B. baybrooker
I enjoy finding answers to the many questions that pop into my head using data. As I complete my mini projects, I store my code and data sets here.
Wonjun Choi wonjun-lab

betlab, dartwork South Korea

Mathew Shen shenxiangzhuang
三尺微命, 一介书生

@netease @bytedance @tencent Hangzhou


Nanjing City, Jiang Su Province, China.