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Bless Hukporti Depauli1
Blockchain Engineer

Venom Foundation Accra, Ghana

HudandHen jeff4a501

The Hud & Hen Company South Africa

Clément Petit clempetit
EPFL/ETHZ Cybersecurity

@perspectivefi Switzerland

CS Student @epfl President of @bsaepfl Web3 and DeFi believer

APWine The infinite machine

Shreyas Papinwar shreyaspapi
Developer + Enterpreneur
Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

P3tar petarcalic99
Ethereum, Starknet, AI
Deepak bhardwaj iamdeepak199
C++ | Datastructures & Algorithm | Python | JavaScript | Css | Html | Dbms

vivekananda institute of professional studies New Delhi

genisis0x genisis0x
BlockChain | Ethereum | Solidity | Web3 | DeFi | NFT | Layer2 | HardHat | C++ | C | DSA | Algorithms | mocha | chai | React.js | MongoDB | Node.js


Matías Agustín Méndez matagus
#django #python #rust

Chicago, IL

Yanis yanisepfl
Studying Cybersecurity at ETH Zürich & working at APWine

APWine Zurich

Hritwik Tripathi 3scava1i3r
Defi x Nfts count me in
