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Armando Genis armando-genis
Robotic engineering Software engineer on Autonomous Driving student at Tec. de Monterrey.

Mexico city

ALC alc999
Power and Energy


Matheus Magalhães TheusStremens
Computer Visual developer and researcher. Focus on Biometrics. Learning Robotics

SENAI Brazil


DFKI Germany

Farzad Nozarian fnozarian
Ph.D. student at @DFKI, working on semi/self-supervised learning and domain adaptation in 2D/3D object detection for autonomous driving

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Germany

Matheus Lenzi dos Santos Matheus-Lenzi
CIO @ mobway | AI @ THRosenheim


stay hungry stay foolish
Zhuoqun(Jack) Chen zhuoqun-chen
Embrace uncertainties.

M.S. in ECE @ UCSD San Diego, CA, U.S.

Robotics / Server


LiuYibo luoxiaoliaolan
want to be a coder which are uesd to slove problems

Captial Normal University Beijing,Haidian

Ali Aydın Küçükçöllü Kucukcollu
Autonomous Systems Software Engineer


Felix Felix-fz
Diogo Oliveira jdvoliveira

Instituto de Telecomunicações Aveiro

PhD student in the field of motion planning for autonomous driving

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe, Germany

Ayushman Choudhuri Ayushman-Choudhuri
Robotics and AI Engineer

RWTH Aachen University Germany

Jane Alam Sagor Sagor2639
MSc in Automotive Engineering @RWTH Aachen | learning Machine Learning | Automated and Connected Driving


Pradeep Manoharan Pradeepmanoharan19
Mechatronics Engineer, Robotics, and Automation enthusiasts seeking to work with Industrial Project