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jarvis 0.17.1 Latest

This repo contains code used in the [Harness CD Community Edition]( which is licensed under the [PolyForm Shield License 1.0.0](./licenses/PolyForm-Shield-1.0.0.txt). This repo also contains code belonging to Harness CD Enterprise Plan which is licensed under the [PolyForm Free Trial License 1.0.0](./licenses/PolyForm-Free-Trial-1.0.0.txt). You may obtain a copy of these licenses in the [licenses](./licenses/) directory at the root of this repository.

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @harness/jarvis@0.17.1
Install via package.json:
"@harness/jarvis": "0.17.1"

Recent Versions


Last published

over 1 year ago

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