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Rodrigo Ferreira Correia Rodfc773
Estudante de Ciência da Computação, Cientista de dados e Desenvolvedor Backend

Orion Lab Ufal Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil

Matheus Levi matheuslevi11
Computer Science student at UFAL.

Alagoas, Brazil

Vergílio Del Claro verg1lio
Mechanical Engineering Professor and R&D Researcher @ufba and @edge

EDGE & GPMAp Salvador-BA, Brazil

Gomes Gomes-Jao
Estudante de Ciencias da Computação na Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL
Vinicius Queiroz vinicq6

EDGE - UFAL Campina Grande - PB

Victor Alexandre VicAlexandre
Computer Science @ UFAL && Trainee Firmware Engineer @ EDGE

@edgebr Maceió, BR

Gabriel Germano Gabrielgermanoo
Computer Engineer Student at UFAL, BR Computer Technician at IFAL

Maceió, AL

Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

Pedro Giló PedroGilo12
Engenharia da computação - Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Cursando). Técnico em eletrônica - Instituto Federal de Alagoas.


Bruno Georgevich Ferreira BrunoGeorgevich
I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Porto, currently conducting research on a distributed modularized semantic mapping architecture for robotics.

EDGE Porto - Portugal

Pedro Sátiro Correia Pedro-Satiro
Junior Developer☕

Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil

José Anthony Dantas Santana JAnthonyDs
Student of Computer Science at Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL).
Amós Aureliano AmosAureliano
Front-end Developer | React.js | Angular | Typescript

@edgebr Maceió, AL, Brazil

Vinícius Rio vlmdr

Edge João Pessoa

Naelson Douglas C. Oliveira NaelsonDouglas
Just a simple guy: I see some data, I process the data. That's my nature.

Edge Brazil - Alagoas - Maceió

Vinicius Cavalcante viniciuscavalcantte
Computer Science | UFAL

Universidade Federal de Alagoas.

Rogério Filho rogerioflh
Backend programmer, mathematician with a keen interest in robotics and engineering applied to healthcare.

UFAL Brazil

Paulo R. Santos wkhadgar
Embedded Systems Engineer @edgebr

@edgebr Maceió, Brazil

Emanuel Vilela emanuelvsz
Software Engineer at @pauli-ai

@pauli-ai Alagoas, Brazil

Lucas luc-gh
Computer Science Student at Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Developer & Gamer in spare time
Geovane Leite de Carvalho Filho vannisson
Master's student at Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL).

Instituto de Computação Maceió - Alagoas - Brazil

Fábio Fortkamp fabiofortkamp
Mechanical engineer working on Python aplications in Thermal sciences

POLO Florianópolis, Brazil

Thiago Gazaroli Cardoso thiago5171
Full stack developer

@webjump Alagoas

Alan Duda alanduda
Desenvolvedor web e graduado em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)

@edgebr Alagoas, Brazil

Pedro Ferreira pedrovictor48

Maceió - AL

Nate thyrr0t

@edgebr Brazil

André Luís trandreluis
Sr. Software Engineer at Invillia and Systems Analyst - IFPB,

Invillia Brasil

Felipe Araújo FelipeCostaAraujo
Software Engineer.

Brasil, São Paulo

Warley Vital vitalwarley
ml engineer for computer vision

Maceió - AL, Brasil

Lucas Pereira Cabral Nepturne
Software Developer C# GoLang FullStack Software Developer Student IT Technician Academic in Information Systems 8/8 and Analysis Systems Dev. 4/4

Business Brazil

Renée Rodrigues Maksoud

Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil