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FMH (@gema_naranyala) naranyala
the previous maker made a creation for current generation to make the next creation, and so on; quiz time: largest austronesian tribe?


Mahmoud wiseaidev
🦀 Rust All The Things (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ | Full Time OSS Dev @opensass | I Can Help You Ship It Fast, The Rusty Way | Let's Democratize the Web One SASS At a Time!

@opensass ~/Lebanon

houseme houseme
open source houseme Contact mail


Chris Matthee cfmatthee
An Electronic Engineer specialising in instrument monitoring / control and data analysis.

Pretoria, South Africa


蛙趣 北京

IroncladDev IroncladDev
Texan • Fullstack Dev • Neovim on a Mac, btw

Fedi Whitewright, Tx

Javier E. javierEd
Software Developer

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Timothy Michael McMasters Tmmcmasters
Engaged to Chloe Wampler <3!!!

Ruoff Mortgage Fort Wayne, Indiana

Keep learning & Do my best


Everything that lives is designed to end.

Yorha The Moon

虫子樱桃 czyt

@x-gopher /dev/ttycode

Rigel rrrrigel
Automation scripts and Extensions developer for : Adobe After Effects & Premiere Pro
Igor Laborie IgorLaborieV8
Senior Backend Engineer 🦀 Rustaceans @vector8-dooel


Ricardo Machado rjfmachado
Principal Engineer, Azure CXP

Microsoft Ericeira, Portugal

Edinson Jim edinsonjim
Software Engineer

@iDesoftSystems Italy

专注踩坑二十年 AKA a non-wannabe pro bugsweeper
Basel Ajarmah baajarmeh

developing a new AI project... Ajjur, Palestine

Lachlan Collins Lockyc

@ccfnq Hobart, Australia

Neil Pandya NeilPandya
My GitHub is mostly a collection of other people's projects that I think are cool. My actual development projects are hosted on private servers.

Pandya Tech Chicago, USA & Dordrecht, NL

shangke doooooit
Front-end developer

Hangzhou, China

姜坤 livstyle

LivStyle 广州

Julien Kellerhals julienkellerhals
Data Engineer @ Quantum Analytics AG

Quantum Analytics AG Zürich, Switzerland

Kyle L. Davis AceofSpades5757
Looking for a job as a professional software engineer while working in open-source with data science, web, and desktop application development.

@ublish Greater Chicago Area, IL

Zachary Kohnen DusterTheFirst
Hobbyist programmer. Electrical Engineering student at TU/e. Rust enjoyer.

@aeroteameindhoven Massachusetts, USA / Eindhoven, NL

Daniel Boros dancixx

GymPiper Ltd. Budapest

andar1an andar1an
Jammin Music Founder

Jammin Music

Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


YuKun Liu mrxiaozhuox

Irvine, CA

Abka abwaanka
Software Developer
Miles Murgaw DogeDark
Programmer at Dioxus Labs, Inc. Love the Rust programming language.

@DioxusLabs Jonesboro, Indiana, USA