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Nada Caerulea mycosavant
Perpetual student. Dedicating free-time to researching and developing machine-learning applications that facilitate and encourage humans to interact with nature


ratie bareeng ratiebareeng

Toppan FaceTech Centurion

crns netcrns
internet man


Victor Rose vicdrose
Nomad. Musician. Full-Stack Developer. Makes music stuff. Makes software stuffs.

Transparency Interactive United States

Pavan Rikhi prikhi
Haskell Engineer, Functional Programming Enthusiast, Open Source Contributor, & Volunteer.

@MercuryTechnologies Bloomfield, NJ, USA

Katharsis yakuzadave
PowerShell was my gateway into coding, but Node JS and Python were what really drew me in with the lure of building bots for Discord.

Seer Productions Seattle,WA

Christopher Barnes chrisbarnes2000
DevOps | Backend Dev | Product Manager