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portuganft ferdipok
poker in web3 and life


Tranthao221 tranthao221
Check out my address in Scopescan: 0x83edc793eac6b1268a3a9233a235166c02a0b43d
kulijarno kulijarno
learning cryptographics makes me happy, thank god
Web3 Solutions Architect

Civic Technologies Austin, Texas

Jordan_type Jordan-type
Celo Blockchain Developer Evangelist, working with ReactJS, NextJs ReactNative, EthersJs, Web3Js, MongoDB, Solidity, OpenZeppelin

Evangelist @CeloKenyaEcosystem Nairobi, Kenya

Vasilev Dmitrii gHashTag
The creator of the first runet course on React Native⚛️

DAO 999 NFT Thailand

Tauseef Khan tauseefk
Web/video-game engineer, loves all things Rust and Javascript.

San Francisco, California

Bahar Baharkaviani
B.Sc Student of Computer Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology

Tehran, Iran

DamonXiong DamonXiong
A little programer

AW3C fuzhou,fujian,china