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Jaime Tobalina Jaimet92

atSistemas Santander

Hany Mohamed hanysaadeldeen
Front End Developer and CS Student

New Damietta

Anas Maher anasmaher
.NET dev | competitive programmer

Damietta university Egypt

Asem Gado Asmblxer
Software Developer

Damietta University Damietta, Egypt

asad Acadbek


Mohammed Taha 6km
Full-stack Developer


🖥️ Spitogatos 🎓 M.Sc. in Computer Science @uowm 🎓 Erasmus Informatics and Computing Engineering Student @FEUP


Md. Nur Uddin Sarker NUR-expert
UI & UX DESIGNER. (Expert on: Designs System - Designs Token)

Designs Tech Plus Ltd.

Mahmoud Hazem MahmoudHaz
interested in front-end development


Reem Abuzahar Reemabuzahar
Graphic Designer who enjoys new challenges in Typography


Amr GabAllah AmrGablla

ROLOGY Alexandria, Egypt

Pritom Mondal PritomMondal05
CSE Undergrad | Tech Enthusiast | Lifetime Learner


Hatem Hosny hatemhosny
Heart surgeon / Web developer / Speaker / Husband / Father / Muslim. Author of @live-codes and RacingBars.


Mahmoud Aziz mahmoudadelaziz
Always learning.


Tyizo tyizo
Contact me over IG: @1xm0d


Anas AnasGamal
CS @ Stetson University'26

Florida, US

Patrik Grinsvall silentpatrik
Developer, PHP, Infrastructure, Laravel, JS etc.

@SilentRidgeMedia Sweden/Mariestad

Vladimir Banduristov vaban-ru
Frontend Lead in beeline

beeline Russia, Moscow

Daniel Niazmand madebydaniz
Senior Web-Entwickler

Austria / Vienna

Ali Abdelbaqy AliAbdelbaky
I'm a software developer with a passion for building things from scratch. I've been building websites since 2020 and also have a BSc degree in Computer Science,


Othman othman2408

Qatar University Qatar

Haitham Basim haithambasim

@Jamkhana @ALMuraba Iraq

Emadamerho-Atori Nefe nefejames
Front end web developer and technical writer - always learning

Lagos, Nigeria

Lwazi Ciniso Dlamini ElectronSz
Open Source Contributor || Software Engineer || Cloud Architect || Chief Technology Officer [2 yrs] || Ethical Hacker

Founder @OffbyteSecure™ Worldwide