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NicoOblaender NicoAtSchwarz

Schwarz IT KG Neckarsulm

Hauben hauben
Dad, Software-Engineer, Photographer, Reef & Bee-Keeper, Writer Germany

Ilya Kovalkov ilyako87
Java Developer with over 6 years of experience. My tech stack is based on Spring Framework / Spring Boot / Spring Coud and relational DB as also noSQL storages.


Sergi Bono sbonoc
Chief Architect of Lidl e-commerce studying an EMBA in ESADE

Schwarz IT Badalona, Barcelona

Sergey Grebenshchikov sgreben
non-stop through desert, salisbury steak sweater

@Keilerkonzept München, Bayern, DE

Niko NikoHorn

@SchwarzIT Steinheim, Germany

JJ jlj77


Alex alexmarco

Bluetab Spain

Konstantinos Lamprakis KonstantinosLamprakis
I love solving problems. 🚀 I'm constantly on the quest to learn and grow, diving into various programming languages and frameworks to build exciting projects


Shug ShugKnight24


Corporate student

@SchwarzIT Stuttgart Area


Hochschule Aalen Aalen

Toni Meuschke meuschke
I am a Javascript enthusiast from Berlin. Focus on building high scalable performant loosely coupled front-end architecture for e-commerce.


Johannes Hepp JohannesHepp

@SchwarzIT Heilbronn, Germany

Sezer Ünlü goekmavi

Heilbronn, Germany

Cronix psych0d0g
Cloud and Infrastructure engineer / Open Source enthusiast


Robert Goltz rgoltz
Cloud engineer @dbsystel 🚝

@dbsystel Erfurt, Germany

Jan Hammer JanHmmr
3D Artist and Junior Developer

Schwarz IT Germany

mkrwebconsulting mkrwebconsulting
Freelance Frontend Webdeveloper from Mannheim, Germany

MKR Webconsulting Germany

Irene IreneMengj
Java developer


Kanykei Tashbaeva smkatash
Student at @42 | Junior Software Engineer at @XL2


H windhooked
practitioner of software arts; having fun; making things go; software engineer; architect; coder; maker Current Interests: lean ledgers, zig, data and AI

@lunarforge Windhoek, Namibia

Khalil Charfi khalilcharfi
I've been loving coding since I was a kid, and still do it today.
Jonathan JoCa96
Web Developer @SchwarzIT. Otto Normalverbraucher.

@SchwarzIt Germany's Deep South

Lars Rickert larsrickert
Web Developer

@SchwarzIt Bad Friedrichshall, Germany