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Dev Mukherjee devraj

@anomaly Canberra, ACT Australia



Michel Storms stormychel
I am a Freelance Apple Developer located in Belgium, with a background in architecture, manufacturing, machining and programming.

Michel Storms Belgium

iOS / Swift developer.


Max Mohammadi MaxMohammadi
Just here for the tech

San Luis Obispo, CA

Irvin | OpenDive kPatch
Father of 2+ Beautiful Robots. Building Real Metaverse Stuff @OpenDive @ATR-Lab #blockchain #robotics #ai #privacy & #security applications

OpenDive Technologies New York City, NY

OpenDive Core OpenDiveCore
Core protocol contributor.

OpenDive Technologies Metaverse

Anshika Mishra anshika1297
Tech Enthusiast in to Web Development and Mobile App Development

Noida, India

cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY