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Aditi Singh aditisinghxd
Currently pursuing a Master's in Data Science Graduate in B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics

Friedrich Alexander University Germany

Dirk Baker dhelmrich
Researcher for Virtual Worlds and Machine Learning at University of Iceland and Research Software Engineer at UFZ

Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig

Valentin Stefan valentinitnelav
Research Associate @idiv-biodiversity and UFZ.

UFZ & iDiv Leipzig

Riccardo Massei rmassei
In two weeks, I can automate a task that takes you 30 minutes to go trough it

UFZ Leipzig, Germany

Allan T. Souza allantsouza

Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System research INAR, Forest Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, P.O. Box 27, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Helsinki

Lars Buntemeyer larsbuntemeyer

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon Hamburg

Martin Lange mlange-42
Scientific software developer. Using Go, Python and Rust.

@Helmholtz-UFZ @finam-ufz Leipzig, Germany

Sebastian Müller MuellerSeb
I'm a Model-Keeper at the Department for Computational Hydrosystems within the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig.

@GeoStat-Framework, @finam-ufz, @mhm-ufz, @ufz Leipzig

Hannes Bohring iceowlbeer

@Helmholtz-UFZ Leipzig


@Helmholtz-UFZ Leipzig

Norman Ziegner Normo

@hifis-net Leipzig