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Nobin Sarwar smsnobin77
PhD student (CS) Working on Generative AI.
Ayantanu Laha Ayantanu2002
MSc Computer Science Student | RKMVERI | Research Interest in Machine Learning & Data Science


Pu Fanyi pufanyi
Y3 Undergraduate, Data Science & AI, NTUsg

Nanyang Technology University Singapore

Kril Allen Huang9495
Research include computer vision, pattern recognition, and deep learning, focusing on fine-grained recognition, retail product recognition, object tracking.


NLP Machine learning

lisbon / warsaw

Mingdao Liu Btlmd

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Trần Quang Hiệp hieptran1812
Simply a programmer wants to create a better society.

Hanoi, Vietnam

Jafar Mohammadi nasab j-mohammadi
PhD Candidate of AI

Semnan University