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Chris Bergeron chrisbergeron
IT Professional with over 25 years of experience including: Cloud, Infrastructure, Virtualization, Systems Administration, Network and DB Administration.

Atlanta, GA

Brian Shensky bshensky
An IT consultant and technologist, I've got one foot in Detroit's Automation Alley, another in Silicon Valley, and a third kicking my own ass.

Struction Consulting Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Jeremiah Bright jbeez
<Ralphie> I'm helping. </Ralphie>


Lunatixz Lunatixz

@xbmc @PseudoTV NYC

Nicholas Spowart YodaSpow
Email design & developer. Interested in Plex, Tautulli, MergeFS, gdrive, rclone, Shell, Slack integrations.
