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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

Abhimanyu Bhowmik abhimanyubhowmik
Masters in Marine and Maritime Intelligent Robotics | Erasmus Mundus Scholar 2023

NTNU Trondheim, Norway

perception | autonomous driving | mobile robotics
Yazan yazanmaalla
Robotics Engineer, @be2rlab .

ITMO university Saint Petersburg

Ahmed Emad Ahmed67124
R&D Robotics Engineer


Adithya Balaji adithyab94
Reasearch Engineer - AI & Robotics. Master Graduate in Robotics.

Ulm, Germany

enesavcu avcuenes
An autonomous robotics engineer #C++ #ROS #MATLAB #Python #Robotics #AutonomousDriving #Optimization #ModelPredictiveControl #PX4 #NavigationaandGuidance
吴凯荣 KairongWu
The world now, I don't want. Let me coding a world for myself.

GDUT China.Guangdong.Guangzhou

John sokol johnsokol

Video Technology United States

RossBots ARLunan
Robot Builder with ROS Turtlebot , Turtlebot3 Burger, Phantom Pincher Arm, using Arduino, Raspberry Pi, AI & Deep Learning with Jetson Nano, Nanosaur

Lunan Design Studio Markham, ON, Canada

Samy Mohamed SamyMohamed1
ADAS model based software Engineer


Xinchao Wei hunter55555
My name is Xinchao Wei. Master of AI, Northwest Polytechnical University in Xi'an. Research interest: Reinforcement Learning

Northwest Polytechnical University Xi'an china

zt_bit zt-BIT
Ph.D. in Beijing Institute of Technology, major in 'local path planning based on prediction'.