- Author : Aayush Agrawal ([email protected])
Author: Bruno Grande
The following instructions describe how I was able to install the dependencies for these Jupyter notebooks. I was running into a version conflict with pip install
. I was able to resolve dependencies using uv pip install
# Navigate to ModelTraining subdirectory
cd aifororcas-livesystem/ModelTraining
# Create a new conda environment with Python 3.8
conda create -n <env-name> python=3.8
conda activate <env-name>
# Install uv (better at resolving package version conflicts)
curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh
# Install dependencies using `uv pip` (instead of plain `pip`)
uv pip install -r requirements.txt
I'm also including a full list of installed packages and versions in requirements.lock.txt
, which was generated using pip freeze
The base data used here is hosted on Current test set for evaluation is hosted on Orca Sound website . The model was trained with the following dataset -
- WHOIS09222019_PodCastRound1 (~6hrs, open data source – Orca call around the planet, Good for generic models)
- OrcasoundLab07052019_PodCastRound2 (~1.2hrs, live hydrophone data - SRKW)
- OrcasoundLab09272017_PodCastRound3 (~1.6hrs, live hydrophone data - SRKW)
And testing in evaluation section of FastAI start script is done on this data -
- OrcasoundLab07052019_Test (~30min, very call-rich, good SNR conditions)
- OrcasoundLab09272017_Test (~21min, more typical distribution, good SNR conditions)
- train
- train_data_09222019
- wav
- train.tsv
- Round2_OS_07_05
- wav
- train.tsv
- Round3_OS_09_27_2017
- wav
- train.tsv
- mldata
- all
- models
- negative
- positive
- test
- all
- OrcasoundLab07052019_Test
- test2Sec
- wav
- test.tsv
- OrcasoundLab09272017_Test
- wav
- test.csv
Step 1 - OPTIONAL: Creating a more ML-ready dataset inline with other popular sound dataset - 1_DataCreation.ipynb notebook
- NOTE: For Quick Start, you may see *.wav files in train/mldata/all/[negative|positive] and in test/all/[negative|positive]; in this case, there's no need to run this script (i.e. no need to generate new samples)
- Extracting small audio segments for positive and negative label and store them in positive and negative folder for training (Filtering any call with less than 1 second duration)
- Also create 2 sec audio sample from testing data for formal ML evaluation
Step2: Transfer leaning a ResNet18 model with on the fly spectogram creation with frequency masking for data augmentation - 2_FastAI_StarterScript.ipynb
- Step 1: Create a Dataloader using FastAI library (Defining parameters to create a spectogram)
- Step 2: Create a DataBunch by splitting training data in 80:20% for validation using training phase, also defining augmentation technique (Frequency transformation)
- Step 3: Training a model using ResNet18 (pre-trained on ImageNet Data)
- Step 4: Running evaluation on Test set
- Step 5: Running scoring for official evaluation
Step3: Inference Testing3_InferenceTesting.ipynb
Notebook showing how to use the inference.py to load the model and do predictions by defining a clip path. The inference.py returns a dictionary -
- local_predictions: A list of predictions (1/0) for each second of wav file (list of integers)
- local_confidences: A list of probability of the local prediction being a whale call or not (list of float)
- global_predictions: A global prediction(1/0) for the clip containing a valid whale call (integer)
- global_confidences: Probability of the prediction being a whale call or not(float)
All the files generated or used during training are here:. NOTE: You must hold "Contributor" role assignment in the OrcaSound Azure tenant to access.
- Models/stg2-rn18.pkl - Trained ResNet18 model
- mldata.7z is data used for training the model
- All.zip is testing data for early evaluations
- test2Sec.zip is data used for scoring for official evaluations
- FastAIAudio
- FastAI v1
- [Librosa] (https://github.com/librosa/librosa)
- [Pandas] (https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas)
- [Pydub] (https://github.com/jiaaro/pydub/)
- [tqdm] (https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm)
- sklearn