Version 23.0.1
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
- [JAVAVSCODE-217] Remove grouping of test runner cases to fix incorrect results #307
- [JAVAVSCODE-249] Fixed code folding for if-else #304 and #308
- [JAVAVSCODE-291] Fixed JDK Downloader to NOT offer Windows ARM64 option #294
- [JAVAVSCODE-300] Fixed launching of NBLS when arguments contain spaces #301
- Fixed "Move Refactoring" for some buggy cases #320
Other Changes
- Remove the usage of java SecurityManager in NBLS #318
- Refactored extension frontend code for better maintainability and tests #292 and #310
- Renamed command label "New from Template" to "New File from Template" for better understandability #323
- Updated JDK Downloader URLs for Oct24 CPUs #294
- Updated JVSC Git repo to use Git submodules for ease of use: NB & NB-l10n #295
- Fix l10n translations for important modules/keys of the NetBeans LS #325
Full Changelog: v23.0.0...v23.0.1